Hagbard Celine

My actual first thought upon learning that Ewan McGregor had been cast as Obi-Wan was:
"Great, because I always wondered what Obi-Wan's penis looked like."

No, this is actually very important advice.

Hagbard gets fired
3-day week + this article = furtive closing of suspicious windows over the next three days.

It might've been a corporate-style CYA move; there are a couple of restaurants here in Albuquerque that actually produce a disclaimer for me to sign when I order rare steak.
Ahhh, USDA-graded beef! Yummy.
Anyway, Outback may have a policy of "informing" patrons that they are risking their health. As to the "customer

I got

Okay, now i really can't wait…
…to see this.

I love that fAct that, despite finally earning the name…
…Jeff Albertson, he's still referred to as CBG.

Go murder.
Most assuredly.

I remember the week that gg died:
"Newsweek" had a cover story on Grunge titled something along ther lines of "Angry Young rockers."
The cover shot was a close-up of -who else?- Eddie MF Vedder.

this was the first ep with halfway-decent (fire-tat) spfx
I thought that the truly unconvincing SPFX had been a stylistic choice, up to this point.
Much like Anderson's horrific / funny SPFX in "The Life Aquatic."

sighing for shay
Now the only likeable one left is Dave.

hannah and her sisters got fingered?
Go, Max von Sydow!

a-o-b-c-d-8-uh, 3?
"I bet he's going to the urinal."

Oh, also: since I've now been living through him for a full week (yes, awaiting the new review), I've learned how to spell "Jason Segel."

Thank you, Mr. Jackson; clearly I didn't know that. I like how a "Rehoboam" reminds me of rehab.

Still holding out for yakov smirnoff…
…to play Checkov.
Or, hey: maybe Sulu.


At AVC, it's "Swimming With Snarks."

Hail Eris!
You're already receiving it.
In fact, you're soaking in it, as though it were freaking Palmolive!
To read it, please consult your Pineal gland.
(Also: I shoud've included UCB in the Kaos Lineage, obviously. Freaking duh.)
All Hail Discordia.

Oh, and:…
…that (Jim's moment of self-realization) actually calls back Martin Freeman's gorgeous shocked horror from the ends of both BBC series.
Nadin, are you a closeted "Scrubs" fan?
Come out and play with the rest of us Pariahs!