Hagbard Celine

loved, loved loved…
…both Jim turning into Michael and (particularly) Michael's revelation of a couple of his secrets to Grasshopper Jim.

Yes: I'm a comedy slut, and, yes, I'm bi for simon Pegg.
Do check out "Big Nothing."
If that film, this episode, and Season Four of "Curb" don't make you pause before disrespecting Schwimmer, then you have No Funny In Your Marrow.

…pop tarts…

And here I was thinking that y'all were clearing a space…
…to add "Scrubs" to the line-up.

I wonder what COB has to confess to?
I bet it's gluttony: all that food that he undoubtably crams must turn into hair.

the asinine numerological pseudo-theory…
…is actually a Discordian tradition dating back to Malaclypse the Younger.
While many people seem to take the Discordian / Church of the Subgenius / Devo traditions overseriously, none of those people are actually Discordians. If they were, their gravity would have been cured

NYC is a hick shithole.

Next week, the Dysfunctional Irish will be aided by a team…
…of Level XII Wankers. Might want to reconsider reviewing THAT gig.

Re: November 7th episode
"Expert tossers."

Forget it, nicholas; it's sandford
On behalf of Crusty Jugglers everywhere: this film is genius.
Pegg makes even "Big Nothing" fun, and I'm sure he'll do Doohan proud as Scotty.

I know how much you love the lifestyle, and that's my second-favorite thing about you, after your intelligent prose. For what it's worth, you are my favorite HSHD to whom I am not actually related. Couldn't resist the "dig," as usual.

Good to see that Wahlberg kept on all that weight that he gained for "The Sixth sense"
That's a brave move in today's Entertainment Industry.
Speaking of brave moves: Nabin, you are funnier than the rest of the AVC and "The Onion" (which I no longer bother reading; does anyone here?) writers combined (BTW, I thought

Did i miss something? Is Mr. Murray no longer AVC's…
…favorite hick shithole-dweller?

Klaatu barada nikto
Hey, let's not be hasty: Hannah Montana is slated to cover "Do Not Forsake Me, O My Darlin'," which alone should be worth the price of admission.

i've always wanted to drink from one of those "comically large" champagne splits,…
…so, as with my fantasy of hanging out nude on the sidewalk during an earthquake, I'll content myself with living vicariously through Jason Segal.

Talk shows will be the first to go, followed by soaps, apparently

…I'd like to quickly point out that we're neither Socialists nor Communists.
That's a pretty tune, tho.

as a union man in a wga sister-guild,…

Isn't it the "Do do doo do do do doooo" zombie sketch? THC tends to make them all run together in my memory…

The choice was deliberate: to show the many uses of towels, rather than to replicate Ford's / The Guide's listing thereof in dialogue form ("tell"). Films are more visual than verbal, which is the crux of this entire list, as well as the thousands of thematically identical lists that have preceded this one (nice lazy