Hagbard Celine

Loved the SMcF interviewees, particularly…
…the David Hyde Pierce fan (who seemed to be genuinely clueless about DHP's sexual orientation) and the facial-tic man that imagined (with SMcF's prodding, of course) Jesus returning and cancelling "Family Guy."
Is anyone here REALLY confused about whether or not SMcF is

how can Galifianakis start sucking so soon?
He's not even famous yet. We need a World Bank of Suck that can monitor this career-track inflation and cool things down.

Yeah, Becky (not "Betty") got her wish:
This is the scariest film I've seen in a long time.
Also: "Force Theory" 's music was deliberately un-creepy, and Papantonio was added after the first cut, as the film was way too unbalanced without a sane voice to be heard.

This film is quite funny, provided you have a…
…bone-dry and morbid sense of humor; Markus and McFeely are the first two to admit that. I see how it would be off-putting to those who expected "Grosser Pointe Blank" or something, but Kingsley is terrific in this, and I was as shocked as anyone to actually buy Leoni's

Kevin Heffernan is perfectly cast as a porn star
cf the ol' canned tuna in "Super Troopers."

Yeah, competing in any "Battle of the Bands-"esque contest…
…definitely invites hatred and derision from other local bands.
Sorta like being a regular AVC poster and having the audacity to enjoy "Scrubs."

I'm one quarter of the way through this article, and I've already laughed more than during any other MYOF entry.
You're a freaking genius, and I hate you.
Now to finish…

I was wrong yet again
Sorry; after repeated listenings I now love this album.
Yes, I suck, but we already knew that.

Wait: is that the same guy?
Oh well.

0) Ed in HTown: …which, of course, He DIDN'T say.
A good point, however, and I agree.
1) Beldo: yeah, some very good writers and satirists on these posts. Wait'll you read what "A Great American Patriot" has to say.
And then there's Lobsters…

go get a late pass
NBC's "The Office" dropped the documentary pretense fairly early on. When you watch the edits, it becomes clear that at least two (often three) cameras would have to be present in order to capture the footage that is presented.
The Beeb's "The Office" was always true to the form, especially during

novak "black girl" line and extra content
NBC also advertised "The Office" using "extra footage" and "deleted scenes" in televised commercials last season.
I assumed that this was to steer people to watch the extra scenes on the website, or at least to tune in to the "super-sized" reruns.

Perhaps my sardonicometer is broken: does anyone here REALLY think that AVC primarily interviews people in person, or even primarily via e-mail?

RETROGRESSives are anti-choice, not pro-life
Plenty of progressionists choose to procreate and / or marry when faced with this situation. They make a CHOICE.
Also: "schmaschmortion" was discussed as an option in the film, and that discussion (between Hill and Baruchel) apparently makes it into the extended DVD release

ANY chance for a buddy-cop sequel with tlj's character
…from "In the Valley of Elah?"
Maybe "Sad Cops?"

2007, THE YEAR
…graphic sex finally broke.

then there's the steven seagal creamy middle
At least: I HEARD it was creamy.

they tried to make heston work with kids
…after his SciFi Period (Plante of the Apes / Soylent Green / Omega Man).
He kept eating them.

maybe an orang-utan would help
Did "Every Which Way but Loose" short-circuit Clint's Creamy Middle (thereby freeing the Oscar Clint Within)?

aren't the rock and vin diesel s'posed'ta
…make a few more years of action films BEFORE all the kiddie comedies?
What happened to the segue phase of the action-hero career? The "Running Man" / "Judge Dread" phase?
AKA The Creamy Middle?