Hagbard Celine

dark city does, in fact, rock
I give it two Rufus-Sewell-google-y-eyes up.

worth it for the lou reed cameo alone
…and look out for THX-1138! I won't say in which scene, but it DOES feature men dressed as robots.

It will be, just as soon as the Retarded Butcher breaks his neck. If you think you've been haunted before, just wait until a mentally challenged ghost comes after ya. Y'know, with a cleaver.

Red State guys go to church like this;
…Blue State guys go to Church like this.
Michael T Sweeney:
…an astute and potentially hilarious point.

thumbs up what?
Do I want to know?

"mountain meadows assacre?"
We're sticking with ("to?") the sodomy, right?

blinky is correct
A careful re-reading of this thread reveals that his/er recollection of the conversation is fairly accurate.
Which is why I still think that this "controversy" was both manufactured and deliberately / artificially promulgated.

tim calhoun
…is my favorite Forte character.

AVC actually did lead me to the ultimate truth,
…albeit inadvertantly.
Recently, "Lollilove" was referenced somewhere on this Pandora's Box of a site, and I immediately sent it to the top of my queue.
In the film, the Truth is revealed:
"The True God … a God made of meat."

blinky's penultimate post, rather
He/she/it ("Sheee-it?") reposted while I mentally masturbated.

mr. murray
Are you an instigator? I'm curious as to what sort of psychological experiment / book research you might be conducting here at AVC. In your articles, you seem to go out of your way to bring up the political, religious and class schisms currently rending North American culture, and not necessarily from the

she could've saved "let's go to prison"
…or at least the shower scenes.

we all have a li'l guitar
…inside us, somewhere.
That's what I learned in MY Church, anyways (Yes, I do own it. Patent pending).

my recourse from this article
…has been to imagine that this "moon man" fellow is actually the character that Tommy Lee Jones played in the greatest film of all time, "Space Cowboys."
Somehow, imagining TLJ txting this kewl L33t and being a twit (which I imagine to be the passive subjunctive form of "twittering") makes

great film for the Tarkovsky / Kubrick style sci-fi fan
Clearly not for the easily distracted.
Not as overtly compelling as when Harry Potter flew to Azkaban to the strains of "The Carpet Crawlers," but very well-acted, and with amazing cinematography. The long shot inside the car was quite an accomplisment.
And, yeah,


OY, I'd just like to say that,…
…if your co-workers eat you, I'll miss your posts.
Also: you might poke your head in at HR, if your office has a serious cannibal problem.
Just suggesting.

"RAT IN a box" isn't gross;…
…it's a brilliant dada prank on the part of Nesmith.

comedy = tragedy + time
One of the best shithead line readings in any Allen movie.
There was a great send-up of it (read by a very convincing Alda-impersonator) on "Family Guy" this season.

wow, that's a great concept,…