Hagbard Celine

oh, sorry nabin
I somehow lost sight of that, while obsessing on the "prank" theory.
Didn't mean to impugn.
Just got excited, considering reshelving this li'l treasure next to "F for Fake" and "The Last Movie."

i think i get lost at the point where the "prank" becomes…
…about making the film unfunny. And guaranteeing that it loses money. Was his show also "deliberately" unfunny?
Is TG so badass that he made this film as bad as possible? Or is he merely incompetent?
I'm gonna be pissed if I find out that the testicular

I'm takin' on nitrous
…cos he can't stand up right now.

immanentize the eschaton
Yeah, Zod, just riffin' myself.
Usually, I only cringe at violence in film (Scorsese makes me bite my hand like Lenny or Squiggy).
This film hurt me; I can still feel the same sensation in my mouth right now that I felt watching the animation of TG being dragged teeth-down across asphalt.

Yeah, you're probably right: I'm too sensitive.
It happens when you watch "Scrubs."

catatonic, fetal, non-responsive (yet typing)
…and not certain if it's from memories of this film, or from Nabin's rating it an SS.
It definitely works as anti-film Dada. Otherwise? Unwatchable.

I always thought he was looking at someone behind me.
Either way, he has that 1000-mile stare.
Think that 'photo was taken in 'Nam?

just curious: does anyone else do this?
I know each week which cinematic releases I will see and which I will not.
I read new reviews of films that I know I will not see, cos they make me laugh.
I read reviews of films I'm interested in only after I've see them.
Then, of course, piss and moan all over the comments thread.

I apologize to Shaitan
I enjoyed this phrase.
There: the thread wasn't a total waste!
Now, I DID study Algebra II from a woman with elephantiasis. She wore muu muus.

Hopefully only a 90-minute
Or so.

Amen, and…
Who hates your guts?!?
I'monna git 'em.

Yeah, she canceled ACL, but don't worry…
…Mystery is sitting in.

Per Google, hyup.
Also: men and women know each other's tricks by now, right? Like, adults? I wish I had a "secret" to sell.
Oh, wait, I do.
Yeah, I got a secret too. A spensive one. Stay tuned to pay by credit card.

I lived in austin for six years
The whole town is like this entity.

and i did it before it happened on "scrubs"
Yeah, that's right:
Proud of it, too.
Anyway, I got a DWI for push-stumbling my scooter home, cos, y'know, the keys were in the ignition, after all…
The judge laughed and threw it out, hallelujah.

oh and
Satan used an air-trident on me last night, so I think we know what he thought of this movie. Now, if he would only start using crepe-paper flames…

Cute college girl of the day
REALLY needs to stop looking at me like that.

janet and Publishers_ClearingMouse
Thanks for the clue-in; that makes perfect sense. Definitely BBCA-types.
Also: KEELEY! Holy Shit! She was even hot in "Tristram Shandy."
In Re: "Hipsterds"
I'm goin' with it, with your permission. Mind you, it should read "hipsturds," but oh well.

BM +/- Anything = Awesome
He Is Perfected Voidness.
And, his initials are BM.

Get this woman
…a golf cart.