Hagbard Celine

I'm gonna guess "The Allnighters"
Mr. Murray:
Outstanding interview; I particularly appreciated your asking him his thoughts on Southern culture (or should that be "culture?" Yes, joking).
Of Cock / Black Box / First! replacement du jour:
New Mexico is a lifelong Spanish class, so I took German from a

Not one interesting track on this album
This album, unfortunately, is a by-product of a formerly great band's crossing of the Event Horizon into the Black Hole of Suck.

"suberbad" refers to martin starr
I love that he gets tougher and scarier in each Apatow project.

those producers
…sure seem to like Tina's website.
I wonder if this film will portray INXS's decision to follow up the brilliant "Shabooh Shoobah" with a decade of homogenized, synthetic pabulum. Hutchence hoarsely rasping the words as he slowly tightens a belt around his neck: "Time for the money, boys … Time to make

Really? That's a trend? I'll look it up. In NM, everyone rats each other out about everything. We have a year-old DWI-spotter hotline, and people seem to enjoy using it on each other after being cut off or flipped off.
I guess, now that everyone's being sent to private prisons for crimes like

dvd special features
I love the "commentary" on "Curb Your Enthusiasm," wherein Larry David and Cheryl Hines talk over one 30-minute episode out of five seasons. They spend a large amount of that time discussing not liking commentaries and the fact that they were forced to provide the one that they reluctantly made.

All kids in nm start working at 11
Bill Richardson makes us. Don't vote for him!
Most of the kids these days are delivering crystal meth, not newspapers.
Is that what the bleach was for?
I'm curious about where these kids were, but I'd have to watch the show to find out.

Outstanding four-door farce
'Tho, admittedly, only three of the doors are slammed repeatedly.
I won't sniff at your "B," particularly since this film (like most farces, one assumes) is not aimed at the AVC demographic.
However, the Cinema was PACKED with blue-hairs and even a couple of other farce-dork gen-Xers.

3 x 1 - 2 ?
i squared plus two?
How does one drank a drank that's already been drankded?

probably an angry lesbian, which…
…is a great moniker, btw:
I agree that we male film dorks need to control our sexist tendancies. Butter and saltpeter on our jumbo corn tubs.
However, I think it's also important to recall that Mr. Murray seems to be postulating a quasi-mythic genre here (hence all the Campbell

Oh, and:
Yeah, I love(d) Joseph Campbell, too.
G'night; dream of teenaged booby quests.

Everyone's got a box around their hate and rage now. Just like the cubicles at work.
Boxes for all!

Mr. Murray
Good one, IMHO.
Hopefully not too Campbellian a suggestion (and if it is, shouldn't y'all Campbellheads be fucking off after your Bliss anyway?), but could it become a qualification that the journey takes place through a surreal environment? Obviously, a noetic and subjective term, but, to me, it

al jaffee
If there's one thing Al Jaffee taught me, it's that urban dogs defecate link sausages, not bananas.

i thought this one was going to be about…
…falling behind in reading all the AVC articles, 'cos that's where I'm at.
The Man's keeping me down, and making me work at WORK!
Anyway: no complaints; I love the massive output on the site today.
Anywho: Nabin, I hope you've not watched "Undeclared" before "F & G;" with

Yeah, I miss Tinky too.

jeremy daniels2
I agree with your observation that AVC has been shifting retrograde. I recently called out the pro-Republican statements made by an AVC critic in another article / thread, and deliberately did so in an obnoxious manner (you're welcome).
I did this in order to tally what the statistics on the comment

"bowfinger" rocks
Martin returns (temporarily) to his nastier character-type,
Murphy is more convincing as portraying two different characters by using almost NO prostheses, and
Heather Graham plays (again) at being willing to fuck everyone in Hollywood.
Something for everyone, ond oddly underrated.

Now I'm curious about the dynamic between Oz and Jim Henson. Henson was just as open and frank (as in "frank," not "Frank") as Oz, but SO gentle and mellow. Were they each other's dichotomous partner, just as Piggy Yin'ed Kermit's Yang?
I also think Piggy counts as a second vocal type (and a very difficult

Many documentarians (and media critics) feel compelled to present an opposing viewpoint, regardless of its invalidity, lest they be accused of bias.
Or maybe it was a "give 'em enough rope" thing; Nabin points out that it served to illustrate the prejudice faced daily by these folks. I look forward to