Hagbard Celine

also probably inappropriate to ask here, but:
Did the Fleischers create any "Popeye's" with that disturbing / awesome background film technique? The live-action footage of miniature sets on turntables?
I've not been able to locate any. Ta1

"…menacing bald authority figure…"

Hence my use of the word "productions"
Yeah, it's the old Entertainment Industry trade-off: producers get the starlet sex, but directors get the awards and the credit.
Apatow Productions has 15 projects listed, none of which is "The Ben Stiller Show," "The Cable Guy," "The Larry Sanders Show," et cetera. Apatow

Maybe they're the folks who were pretending to be R. Kelly fans the other day…

apatow as smart comedy
Basically, Apatow's productions are populated by characters that you actually care about. Therefore, the comedy can be as broad ("Anchorman") or as poignant("Knocked Up," "40," "F & G")as it needs to be, without losing its grounding. Personally, I think his most underrated and balanced

should be:
"noted by readers of a print interview."

Noting that JH is an attention hog in no way besmirches his achievements as a comic actor. He's obviously talented and funny. He just has a personality flaw, and one that is obvious enough that it is noted in a print interview. Has anyone in addition to me seen a video interview with him? He's just, you know,

So, nabin, whatcha doin in 2008?
Might I humbly suggest "My Year of Films That Made Me Fall Out of Love With Previously-Beloved Auters?" Of couse, you got smarts and funnies, so you'll have to think of a better title.
Anyway, Bedheaded and riprizzuto brought this to mind, as they mention the specific films with which

jonah hill…
…is one of those people who constantly interrupts and dominates conversation, probably because he needs to feel "on" at all times. Common among comics (worst-case scenario: Robin Williams). If you're as dorky as I am and actually watch this kinda of stuff, he and Adam Herschman pretty much run roughshod

Hornell, N.y.
What I appreciate the most about Hormel's "Bill Pullman Was Born Here" sign is the smaller, ancillary sign lost among the weeds, which reads:
"Bill Paxton Wasn't"

There are straight guys on Mtv now?

No "Drano Cocktail" with that? I was looking forward to that…

I'm looking at you
Sorry, Liquid_Daze; nothing personal, but I'm sick of that one.
The "Alibi" media critic here in Albuquerque uses it every week.

Rupert Pupkin
Don't get too drunk; you still have Jodie Foster to save, and John Hinkley to inspire.

what's going on here?
When I saw this film, I swear it starred Bill Paxton.
Oh, and:

it's the quotes! ahh!
Is it too demographically revealing / annoying that, whenever I read your Hey you guys opener, I drift into The Electric Companys opening credits? Take THAT, Gen Y! (Oh, and Boomers, if there are any reading this)

Is it too demographically revealing / annoying that, whenever I read your Hey you guys opener, I drift into âThe Electric Companyâsâ opening credits? Take THAT, Gen Y! (Oh, and Boomers, if there are any reading this)

late to the show
Is it too demographically revealing / annoying that, whenever I read your âHey you guysâ opener, I drift into âThe Electric Companyâsâ opening credits? Take THAT, Gen Y! (Oh, and Boomers, if there are any reading this)

lacking menace
A agree that the film lacked menace. I feel like a braver choice for deNiro would've been to play a cold and menacing pirate-who-happens-to-crossdress than to mince around for laughs. DeNiro mincing is just plain ugly, and does anyone really find such a a stereotype (he also dresses hair!) to be funny?

AVC tech support just hung up on me, but…
…I can't find the "reboot" button on any of these darn funny books.