Hagbard Celine

Dennis Miller
I think I could tolerate the fact that he still-exists-but-shouldn't if he only brought back the mullet.
Miss that mullet.

oh, you're still talking?
Don't confuse the choice to detach from a conversation with a deranged person with having nothing to say.
And, yep, the thread has clearly strayed from my original point (thanks, btw, to NVIAHCAGGAI for pointing that out) into some unentertaining and certainly insoluble territory. Hence my

See what happens when i try to take the ku klux klan reference out?
I forget that you can't spell "Republican" without:

"nexus vi and hagbard celine are idiots is a Reblican, but a good guy."
That comment was "overboard," I admit.
Glad it felt good for you. Makes it all worthwhile, right?

Very well put, and thanks for telling the truth.

0) Yeah, I'm neither a liberal nor a Democrat, but thanks for trying.
1) If you haven't noticed that Republikkans are responsible for more damage to North Amerikkkan society than any other group (including the Roman papacy), then I sumbit that you might be dead or living on a different planet. Or asleep. Or

Kyle Gass
…in golliwog blackface, of course.
Oh, and BS (fitting) plays guitar now.

Thanks for the new photo, as well
Who knew Nabin was so cruel?

still don't know…
…what the heck "Rosebud" turned out to be.

Hearing "salaam bombay,"…
…actually. I suppose.
This is why I never have cinematic sex in a film that I've not already seen.

Okay, Mr. Rabin. You definitely need to write all future entries during those bi-weekly periods when you cannot obsessing about street urchins.
Or whatever it was that led you to write about "Allenâs sweaty, engorged cock dripping with sweat and bodily fluids as it violates every orifice of

lest we forget (in re: Mr. Grizzly)
Clinton was being forced against his will by hypocritical, sexually perverted, "control-over-" obsessed Republicans to discuss those blowjobs.

Chauncey Grizzly
Well Put. Seconded. But as to avoiding living in Hell? Let us consult the gospel of Flava Flav:
"…Been in effect. Go get a late pass."

gayest, sub-rosa division:
And the winner is:

0) BaconCat, Kevin1, the mgt, meddlin' kid: well said. Truly.
1) Tuna Piano: I'm glad you're okay. I thought those two blank posts meant that AT&T had got to you.
2) Pearl Jam: was your music EVER listenable? Are you a Jam Band now? Really? Patchouli and smelly hippies? When did that happen? That's adorable.

You are correct, of course: this is NOT a political blog. However, Mr. Murray's unfortunate "overboard" statement results (I'm guessing) from his choice to adhere to a perverse anti-PC movement that has subsumed the Geographical Landmass Formerly Known as USA. This movement masquerades as "political

Apologia for Republikkkanism…
…is now "overboard?" Is observing that Nazis and Klansmen are "slightly intolerant" or that investment professionals are "slightly materialistic" also "overboard?"
I wouldn't mind meeting a "good guy" Republican; does one exist?

Thanks again, Noel…
…for expanding on your objections to TFINYR; I need to watch it again, and will do so with your critique in mind.
Meanwhile, "Summercamp!" looks great; I look forward to seeing it.

Yes, yes: one too many "haves."
Balance restored.

Sorry, A-Y, I wasn't referring to you as a troll (although I notice that someone else did, earlier), but rather was referring to someone who was offended by Phel's and my early enthusiasm, and chastised us for expressing it.
Frankly, I agree with you: I only find "Serenity" to be interesting (I didn't even