
It could have been made by this Random Startup Website Generator:

I have a Brit friend whose 20-year-old daughter is indeed named Jemima, which I guess over there has not been rendered unusable by association with the Aunt Jemima character.

Maclachlan did a kd lang impression on SNL many years ago, so the connection is well-established.

Just replying to say that Kings was cool.

I can't believe the subtitles went with "(upbeat music)" here instead of calling it what it was.

The physical -1 dollar bill aside, banks are notorious (or were, maybe consumer protection laws stopped this) for giving you "free overdraft protection", meaning they'll let your account go negative and then charge you $35 for it.

You do know he's a homosexual pedophile, right?

Not for long, as it turns out today…it'll end after 13.

For instance:

His name (I find out) is Jerry Lambert, and I always notice him because I first saw him on the semi-improv sitcom "Sons and Daughters", a show to which Modern Family itself owes more than a little bit conceptually.

And Bays&Thomas' Goodwin Games.

I have a half-assed theory about that: Kate was Emmett's daughter, not by Leanne but by his real love, back in Russia. She was connecting with Jared as his half-sister, so not in disguise. It doesn't really fit in with everything else, and it may not work age-wise either, but I thought I'd put it out there.

A reference to Wallace Warfield Simpson (Duchess of Windsor), who a) I just noticed was actually named Simpson, and b) was rumored to be a hermaphrodite or something. Is how I took it.

Is it on Netflix?

Ah, that explains my confusion, in that I was waiting for the flashing on/off to resolve into something (I was expecting Homer's head, but whatever) but it never quite did.

I specifically remember someone describing "Deathtrap" as "a movie for people who want to see Sleuth for the first time again", so you're on the right wavelength.

Yeah. If nothing else, imagine how many people in administration are former students there.

Oh, that worked fine for me. A guy sees a round object on the floor where it shouldn't be, and his mind tries to put it in a category that makes sense. So "roomba" pops out, even though he realizes that it doesn't look EXACTLY like one.

Mrs. S (or maybe someone else) skipped town with Sarah's daughter, is the cliffhanger you're thinking of.

Netflix shows me "3D" as one of those custom categories, although it's not high up on the list-of-lists.