
Marty: "Nope."

Her iconic role is as the Pam-precursor in the original Office, but yes.

And you know, when you're doing a thing like this with clues, just because the puzzle is genrally a picture of the comic book store doesn't mean there isn't another clue in the picture.  (And for that matter, if all you need to get is "comic book store", I feel they all could have recognized it with even fewer pieces

If I may say, in the nicest way, speaking as another Jew — when Helberg and Bialik looked at each other while singing, you could not NOT see those noses.

My TV, with the "correct" settings, can make anything look like a cheap telenovela, so I don't actually need this.

There's also the reference to "100 witches"; anytime you hear the number 100 is a pilot, it's the creators telling the studio "and THIS is how we get to 100 episodes".

Now I'm worried that @avclub-5ff056fb661e3f6375bdf155111cb391:disqus turns out to run a Tumblr full of nothing but pictures of hot women welding things.

He's too young to be Hank, at least our kind of Hank.

A space bus.

If they shut down the CIA they'll just have to start another agency that does the exact same thing.

That guy's dwarf-head looked way too much like his father's non-dwarf head for anyone's comfort.

She obviously needs to run on a Skittles ticket.

And why would a person born in Colombia be able to get a birth certificate from a courthouse in California?

They also extended a couple of Being Human episodes.  But not all.  (I'm assuming that each episode of the season was originally the same length but I suppose that might not be true.)

"Damages" also did that, at least in its first season.

Imagine if Harvey Lacey had turned out to be a killer.

As with every review and article I've seen, this must be based on the uncut UK version, because I didn't see Mark visiting Joe.  (And many other reviews of other episodes mention scenes that aren't in the BBCA cut.)

I can understand the idea of getting mad enough to hit someone, and calling it a burst of anger, in that hitting is (to me) a natural instinctive motion.  But do people really grab other peoples' throats and squeeze their fingers into their windpipes and crush them, without planning and practice?  It seems like you'd

I have a vague memory that Jonathan Banks was cast because of some happenstance where somebody else was unavailable, something like that.  Anyway, feel free to imagine a version of BB with Forster as Mike.  That would not suck, in a different way from the way Banks did not suck.

See, this is my one aesthetic concern.  The whole point all along has been that "rooting for" Walt is just stupid.  And now they've set it up so that it'll be him against the absolute vilest characters ever, people who belong in a cheap revenge B movie.  I'll trust VG to steer out that danger until proven otherwise,