
The job goes to who (or whom) ever has incriminating photos of Lemon Party Chairman.

@avclub-001d507e80c4e4d2ce4ba0a5590f8313:disqus I don't care what Morrison said after the fact about who or what Xorn really was.  "Magneto"'s reaction to the mask, Xavier's refusal to call him anything other than Xorn, and his weird internal dialogue clearly left his identity an open question.

It'll be great when he gets all kinds of broken glass in his feet, and then Lex Luthor gives him robot laser feet.

I don't mind Mongul as a one-off villain even if he is a little cliche.  But every time someone says his name I hear "Mongo" and picture Alex Karras punching a horse.

I could have sworn that was Homeless Curt Schilling.

The payout is in the form of those little gold-plated strips you win at pachinko parlors.  You can always sell them back to the Yakuza, but you have to fly to Tokyo for that.

I have been known to mix acids and faces.

This is up there with Fat Mike on my list of least expected delightful callbacks.

If I had a Woodhouse I would buy him so much Mingus and heroin.

Action Comics has been awesome.  It's very Grant Morrison-y, which some people may not care for, but there's a lot of fun mythology stuff going on and a nice, long, complicated-but-neatly-tied-together plot arc to follow.  And neat backup stories.

@avclub-ee86f2eb94048ec21387d5b848337fa2:disqus I figured it had been adapted directly from a JL comic arc.  Still, I think it would be a good place to start.  The biggest obstacle DC faces is introducing all these characters to the public without turning this into a four-hour slog through the individual mythologies.

They should adapt "Us Do Opposite" from All-Star Superman.  Justice League vs Bizarro Justice League!  With Bizarro national anthem!

I watched Justice League: Doom today on Netflix and thought it could have been adapted pretty well to a live-action version.

@avclub-94e005c18b383d12a8924d5d1367610d:disqus I don't think it's unreasonable to say that Catholics as a group don't like non-Catholics telling them how to manage the internal affairs of the church.  It's a natural response to dismiss or dig in against outside criticism, especially when you're on the defensive after

The badger is Episcopalian.

Eugene Mirman is easily the best part of this show.  Glazer's schtick tends to wear on me after a while, but sad-sack Russian mobsters are never not funny.

I thoroughly enjoyed Hancock.  It's up there with Death to Smoochy in the pantheon of flawed movies that still make me grin like a doofus.

I thoroughly enjoyed Hancock.  It's up there with Death to Smoochy in the pantheon of flawed movies that still make me grin like a doofus.

Of course it's not, but there are an unsettling number of people who don't know that.  Donahue goes on Fox News and is introduced as the head of the Catholic League and non-Catholics assume there is an association there, and that he represents the Church instead of just the views of one loud asshole.  Then people who

Sounds great, but it would never work.  Catholics in general, and church leadership in particular, do not give two shits about what non-Catholics have to say.  Once you leave, you're an apostate and your opinion doesn't matter.