

Have you ever seen a public sector union contract first established in Massachusetts in the 60s? They do everything short of working imaginary numbers into the formula just to fuck with people. It takes whole departments to track and handle the math.

I setup payroll systems for a living. I would totally watch that show.

I think it's more that Brock has a well-known contempt for firearms. A gun is just not personal enough for him; when he kills a man, he wants to feel the knife cutting through meat and bone.

Seeing him bring back the crazy-eyed, foamy berserker rage Brock from Season 1 got me waaaaay too excited. I think Hatred gets a bad rap, but… yeah. Daddy's back.

My guess is that they are all still around but the cool kids wouldn't let them into their crappy club for jerks.

They had better. My God that was glorious. I have never been so happy to waste $150 on t-shirts.

I am now picturing an unshaven, hungover Zim complaining about how nobody respects his craft, then talking about how his father used to hit him with a belt.

I watch the XMas special every year.

I don't think anyone is claiming that Nick never puts good cartoons on the air, because it does. It's just that once they realize they allowed something beautiful into the world, the kill it as quickly and quietly as possible, because they fucking hate children.

Needless to say, I am pleased with this news.

Blazing Saddles is brilliant even without knowing all the tropes. I've never sat through a true classic western in its entirety, but that did nothing to diminish the batshit absurdity of Alex Karras punching a horse.

That would actually be the penalty prescribed in the rule book. I think we can say definitively that Roger Goodell has never actually read the rule book.

I will fight you. I will blast you with lightning marimba music while my sidekick beats you in the face with a frying pan. I WILL STEAL YOUR JEWEL.

Legend of Mana was great. Full goddamn stop. It was hard to figure out because there doesn't have a single arching plot, just a series of three major interconnected plots and lots of small vignettes. The crafting system was the most sophisticated I have ever seen, and the visuals were the absolute pinnacle of

I think trying to keep tabs on the greater narrative these days is a fool's errand. I doubt even the X-Men editor knows what's going on in any given month. Best to just pick a book and stick with it and not worry about the other stuff. Uncanny is usually pretty consistent.

It's Bendis. So, no. The only coherent X-Men runs in the last 15 years belong to Grant Morrison and Joss Whedon.

This is Sage advice.

You and me both, buddy.

Beef Colon