
But Danny wouldn't be a quota. He's a hacker, he knows about the supernatural… he could easily be an integral part, but for some reason he isn't while straight people are.

you say its too early to judge, but this is season 4 and Malia is a full cast member while Danny hasn't shown up in an episode that was tailor made for his presence.

the gay character were of no importance and Danny is a barely there gay. We saw the progression of every straight romance but Dethan had absolutely no clear relationship path.
They smiled in the first ep, then were making out in motel California, then they broke up (off screen) got back together (off screen) and I

its like two ends of the spectrum. Danny has had love interests and gay scenes, but no plot significance… but TVD's Luke has a medium story (and prob bigger with his incoming family) but no romance.

they're bad at gay characters, they're bad at race.. join the two and you have a possible train wreck

So teen wolf is becoming like every other hetero focused show a.k.a Vamp Diaries
This must be what the Christianization of ancient Greece felt like.

its troubling that I like Malia now more than I do Sookie… and I hate Malia

Just when you think it cant get any worst… it does.

Getting I myth drivin. Keep it simpler TW

I'm gay, but seeing Eva a Green riding Dorian while her lingerie clung to her Shapley breasts just above the nipple was hot. Very definition of less is more

But no morning after scene or any mention of the hookup? I'll give them a chance, maybe it's part of the story, so we'll see

Uh oh, I see even Penny Dreadful isn't immune from the double standard. Two explicit hetero love scenes but the same-sex one fading out to black… even more glaring given the two men got hot 'n heavy with the females but not with each other.

Kind of upset we didn't get a Dorian/Ethan morning after scene, and there was a pic of Ethan half naked on Dorian's couch floating around so I assumed we would.

You'd thinking making a devil's deal would inoculate one against totally bastshit craziness… but apparently not

needed more Dorian Butt

funny how the original Dorian was blonde with blue eyes, but every interpretation has him as an ordinary plain Jane brunette.

Dorian's many 'what the fuck' faces during the seance was priceless. He went from "is this part of the act?" to "holy shit what do I do"

TO has its problems (ugh hybrid Hayley) but they have a great villain for next year with Mikael whose under control of a pissed off Davina. The witches are more threatening and fanatical, death is still kinda screwed up but their resurrection system isn't off the rails (like TVD) and no love triangle poisoning

Everyone was acting stupid (aka normal) this episode, from killing a powerful witch ally to dying with your lover so it kills Bonnie quicker and stalls everyone.

totally forgot about that