Dr. Pud

Josh, I'm sure you had a pretty fab meal there, and all the better because you didn't have to pay for it.

I used to be a neighbor of the hairdresser who was responsible for Rodman's "crazy" dos when he played for the Bulls and lived in Chicago.
Even though JoJo is a bit of an aging clubkid freakshow himself, I suspect that even he would find this ridiculously foolish and lame. Haven't talked to him in quite awhile

Even though it's more than likely that no one else gives a shit about six degrees of separation, I think it's kinda fun, and I'm one person removed from the divine Ms. Kitt- really!
One of my professors wrote a book about Steve Allen (it was NOT good). The ironic thing about how crap his book was is that he was a

Christ, we lost a lot of greats this year.
Eartha Kitt has long been one of my icons, and I was sad to hear that she had left us, even though she lived a long, honorable and all-around great life, right up to the end.
I'm bummed that I never got to see her cabaret show live.

Holy crap, I would be in line to see Guillermo del Toro's "Family Circus". Just imagine how bejeezus-creepy those dead grandparents would be…