
You know, I thought this particular flavor of awful tasted familiar. 

Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I have been asking myself that same question for years.

Yeah, I don't even have words for how much I loved how much Santana loved her girlfriend pillow.  Also, she would ship Jo/Blair.

I've been thinking of it as "Rent, without a plot."  From what I can remember, the story of Hit List is basically: a guy writes a bunch of songs and they're all really good, a hot girl sings them.

Personally, I'm rooting for Neck-brace Cheerio.  Then, they can pull a "She's All That" moment where he realizes that, without her glasses (or, in this case, her neck brace), she's actually really hot.

So, I don't know which one I find more entertaining:  Santana's fixation on the fact that Brody has a pager or Kurt's fixation on Santana doing a Paula Abdul song.

It's not her fault; what kind of self respecting hooker uses a pager?

I also didn't get the retooling of "I've Got Love."  Like, I can understand it as an idea, taking something that was emblematic of her "good girl" image and making it more grown up, but the execution was just awful.  Changing the arrangement just made it less of a showcase for her vocals (an odd choice for a concert

Why's Jason's mom on this list?  She's exactly the kind of scary movie character you want to be related to.  How else are you supposed to get back at the camp councilors who may or may not have let you drown?

I actually really liked this episode.  I loved the sort of bait and switch of having an episode that looks like it's about long-term commitment type love, but ends up celebrating the more of-the-moment kind instead.

To be fair, I'm pretty sure she was mostly just hitting on Santana when she said that. 

It's not just Faberry.  Go back and watch the Celibacy Club scene from "Showmance" and tell me Quinn's not staring at Santana's ass.

I wish I had a friend that helpful.

I actually thought "Love Song" was one of the most appropriate song choices they've had in a while, especially if your familiar with the story behind it (basically, her label wanted her to write a "marketable love song," and she didn't want to).  Even without knowing the background, the lyrics are basically her saying

Isn't that guy's name Ryder?

Yeah, I actually don't have a problem with Brittany and Sam being together as a heterosexual couple.  Brittany's bi, Sam's cute, they're both single, I get it.

Yeah, I actually don't have a problem with Brittany and Sam being together as a heterosexual couple.  Brittany's bi, Sam's cute, they're both single, I get it.

It's not cumpulsion = rape, it's coerced sex = rape.

It's not cumpulsion = rape, it's coerced sex = rape.