
Is that what they were trying to do with the meta stuff in that Brittany/Sam scene?  Here I thought they were taking a dig at a chunk of their fans by implying that they're crazy and possibly violent, and then make them feel guilty for not liking the new couple.

Is that what they were trying to do with the meta stuff in that Brittany/Sam scene?  Here I thought they were taking a dig at a chunk of their fans by implying that they're crazy and possibly violent, and then make them feel guilty for not liking the new couple.

Still in the closet.

Still in the closet.

Not to mention, the Mennonites put on a great show in spite of the fact that they're not allowed to dance.  Respect.

Not to mention, the Mennonites put on a great show in spite of the fact that they're not allowed to dance.  Respect.

Or that they're generally for undergrads, meaning Hillary Clinton wouldn't have been eligible.

Or that they're generally for undergrads, meaning Hillary Clinton wouldn't have been eligible.

I think the main thing is that they needed to pick one or the other.  Either make the New Directions and McKinley the focus of the show, have students' storylines resolve when they graduate, and don't show them again; or make the actual characters the focal point and don't waste time with a bunch of new people that we

I think the main thing is that they needed to pick one or the other.  Either make the New Directions and McKinley the focus of the show, have students' storylines resolve when they graduate, and don't show them again; or make the actual characters the focal point and don't waste time with a bunch of new people that we

Agreed.  Personally, I've never understood Glee's obsession with having an actual villain, since the group has always had more than enough internal conflict to keep it interesting.  I almost feel sorry for Kitty, because she's not even a person, she's a plot device.

Agreed.  Personally, I've never understood Glee's obsession with having an actual villain, since the group has always had more than enough internal conflict to keep it interesting.  I almost feel sorry for Kitty, because she's not even a person, she's a plot device.

To be fair, Santana did quit the team once, when Sue was gonna shoot Brittany out of a cannon.  But yeah, considering she was captain for the last two national championships that the Cheerios won and then got a full scholarship for it, it would make a lot more sense for her to be the one Kitty idolized.

To be fair, Santana did quit the team once, when Sue was gonna shoot Brittany out of a cannon.  But yeah, considering she was captain for the last two national championships that the Cheerios won and then got a full scholarship for it, it would make a lot more sense for her to be the one Kitty idolized.

Sometimes I think that's their secret plan: get everyone to hate Finn by pretending to try really hard to get everyone to love him.  Having half the characters on the show line up to say how great he is while simultaneously having him do absolutely nothing to earn that praise seems to be their method of choice.

Sometimes I think that's their secret plan: get everyone to hate Finn by pretending to try really hard to get everyone to love him.  Having half the characters on the show line up to say how great he is while simultaneously having him do absolutely nothing to earn that praise seems to be their method of choice.

Yeah, I kind of thought that Mason making that connection had nothing to do with Emily or her plan for him.  I mean, if that were her endgame, she could have skipped a lot of steps and just let him figure it out from Amanda.  Also, his conversation with Victoria, which was the thing the tipped him off, wasn't even

Yeah, I kind of thought that Mason making that connection had nothing to do with Emily or her plan for him.  I mean, if that were her endgame, she could have skipped a lot of steps and just let him figure it out from Amanda.  Also, his conversation with Victoria, which was the thing the tipped him off, wasn't even

That's pretty much how I saw it, too.  She doesn't want to be the kind of vampire who looks at a bunch of people in a dark room and sees a buffet.  I think it scares her how easily she can fall into that mindset.

That's pretty much how I saw it, too.  She doesn't want to be the kind of vampire who looks at a bunch of people in a dark room and sees a buffet.  I think it scares her how easily she can fall into that mindset.