
I have a soft spot for "Highlander" - that too should be a Ron Moore show!

It came to me that perhaps they should use a similarly reductive term for male fantasy mainstream entertainment ( "d*** lit"?) - i.e., action movies, etc.. The extent to which the male perspective is taken as the default perspective for tv/film, etc. is staggering. Fortunately I enjoy those works too!

Also, at the risk of possibly repeating something others have already noted, I can't overstate how funny I find the perspective of not being able to watch b/c it's too geared to a particular gender. If my interests were limited to watching tv geared to women, then I wouldn't get to watch anything at all, practically!

I totally agree and had just realized that I've been enjoying the
pacing. The great thing about reading books for entertainment is that
you can linger over the events or plot turns that you enjoy and
sometimes the change in medium means the pace gets too quick to do
that. Btw, skipping ahead, but the most recent

Fair enough, I guess when I say "fast-paced" here, I mean: multiple
things actually happened. I could easily have seen Carl/Rick/Michonne's
meeting up with Darryl/Joe and Co. having been the entire episode, but
we also got to see them hit up Terminus, get checked in, try to check
out, etc. all in the same episode!

I haven't read the review yet or any comments because I just watched the finale and wanted to post my immediate reaction: YES - I enjoyed this episode more than any I can think of off the top of my head since the PILOT. I'm not going to break down the reasons at this point, but if the show was like this more often

Also, can someone explain why diamonds are the best currency? Easily portable and better than bottle caps, no doubt, but I would have thought the big republics would have started striking currency out of something with inherent value (e.g., a precious metal) unlike diamonds (unless they're large and can be affixed to

Re: Halloween, I'm just glad this aired in October and not January in the style of strikes or otherwise-delayed shows (e.g., Community).

I've blocked out enough of season 1 that I was actually having a moment when I was waiting for some kind of sexual chemistry thing to come up between Monroe and Charlie, knocked- out, generically handsome bounty hunter notwithstanding. But yeah, I guess he's a washed-up brutal dictator who caused the death of her

Wait, who's Adam?

There's also a lot more humor, which I like. It's cheesy no doubt in the way the leads toss off witty lines in the face of death, etc., but I think it works a lot better for this show than if they'd gone the too self-aware/campy humor mode.

Yeah, I watched it on iTunes and didn't see those scenes either…

Wow, I just caught up and saw this episode and it is so much better than last season, for whatever that's worth. I really liked the energy of the opening "crazy train" cover and accompanying scene. Also, the chemistry between the rando bartender ("jeff"?) and Charlie was miles beyond what I've seen between her and

What's up with the same closing comment as from the review of the previous episode?