Ya Herd with Perd

No idea what they're going to use to fill the meat of the season but the last few episodes seem easy to guess. We get Joffery's wedding in episode 6 or 7, leading to the whole trial and the duel with the red viper and the mountain. In episode 9 we get the fight at the fist with Stannis. And then in the finale we get a

Do you have a link that essay?

It works, I guess. Just seems very risky of Littlefinger to openly plot betrayal with/to a 15 year old girl who's not the most trustworthy person. It makes more sense for him to be much more cautious about it like he was in the books. Plus, this is super early of him to already be planning to get her out following

Why did they reveal Littlefinger to be involved in Sansa's attempt to escape from the beginning. I remember that being one of the bigger reveals in the books. That coupled with (SPOILERS) his part in the Joffery murder showed how much of a badass he is. Plus, why introduce Ser Dontos last year if you're not going to

Crap. My bad. Regardless, I enjoyed it.

Harris Wittels made me laugh every time he did it "did you know the internet's a thing?" bit. "Ya, ya I'll see myself out."

Ya, true. If anything, we should be asking where Wally is. His girlfriend is deep undercover with no contacts and he's presumably not even trying to get involved.

Wasn't he established really early in the season to be out of the game?