
Stefan's behavior didn't surprise me at all. He's already allowed Elena to die once, and boy is not ok with the consequences. He'll do almost anything to bring her back, so killing random hybrid that he only just met aint even a thing for him.

I went to college with Grace and had the distinct pleasure of serving her coffee most days (I worked at the local cafe). Let's just say she was not exactly a delight.

I went to college with Grace and had the distinct pleasure of serving her coffee most days (I worked at the local cafe). Let's just say she was not exactly a delight.

I see I was not the only one that found it suspect that Declan was hanging out in a library. I could only suspend disbelief so much Revenge advertisers.

I see I was not the only one that found it suspect that Declan was hanging out in a library. I could only suspend disbelief so much Revenge advertisers.

Carrie Raisler: I know! Honestly, I would not mind a show that just involved Emily and Nolan snarking and engaging in occasional revenge of the week.

Carrie Raisler: I know! Honestly, I would not mind a show that just involved Emily and Nolan snarking and engaging in occasional revenge of the week.

First of all, Nolan loves it when Emily involves him in her revenging. Secondly, it was clear that Emily hearts Nolan given how horrified she was when she found out that Nolan had given Aiden the check.

First of all, Nolan loves it when Emily involves him in her revenging. Secondly, it was clear that Emily hearts Nolan given how horrified she was when she found out that Nolan had given Aiden the check.

This was exactly where my head went when he was chilling alone in that huge library. Would have been the best Revenge gift.

This was exactly where my head went when he was chilling alone in that huge library. Would have been the best Revenge gift.

Maybe it is like Buffy, where he only gains his powers and tats when the mentor dies. I think that is what Connor said last week.

Maybe it is like Buffy, where he only gains his powers and tats when the mentor dies. I think that is what Connor said last week.

I guess I haven't closed the door on a Klaus redemption arc. Also, he may claim to want a hybrid army, but what he wants is a hybrid family. Maybe I am biased because I find Klaus delightful, but his using Elena as a blood source does not seem so much worse to me than how Damon used Caroline in S1. Also, let's be

I guess I haven't closed the door on a Klaus redemption arc. Also, he may claim to want a hybrid army, but what he wants is a hybrid family. Maybe I am biased because I find Klaus delightful, but his using Elena as a blood source does not seem so much worse to me than how Damon used Caroline in S1. Also, let's be

So here is the thing about human Elena being a hybrid factory: I'm not sure how it is so much worse than when Damon feeds on someone. Klaus has no interest in killing her, at least until she has a baby. He just needs her blood every now and again. How is that worse than when any other vampire feeds on someone without

So here is the thing about human Elena being a hybrid factory: I'm not sure how it is so much worse than when Damon feeds on someone. Klaus has no interest in killing her, at least until she has a baby. He just needs her blood every now and again. How is that worse than when any other vampire feeds on someone without

Um no Damon should not have trusted his brother. Yes, Stefan has made his mistakes: mass murder, being susceptible to Klaus compulsion, having such an all consuming desire to kill Klaus that he is willing to torture the woman he supposedly loves. And this stuff all happened a few months ago in TVD timeline. So yeah,

Um no Damon should not have trusted his brother. Yes, Stefan has made his mistakes: mass murder, being susceptible to Klaus compulsion, having such an all consuming desire to kill Klaus that he is willing to torture the woman he supposedly loves. And this stuff all happened a few months ago in TVD timeline. So yeah,

Actually, I think Caroline handled the Hayley situation perfectly. She had legit reasons to be suspicious, and instead of freaking out and making assumptions she immediately confronted Tyler with her suspicions. He explained his behavior, and as far as I could tell they moved past it. All in one day. Could you even