Duke Silver

Fair enough.

I get that band-aids are useful. My point is just that maybe being told that you HAVE to choose between the town/family/religion that you love and your own safety has the potential to drive kids in the opposite direction. I think the intention behind IGB is a good one and I think it serves a purpose. But I also think

Veronica! That's Arnold's wife's name.

seriously, what did Agron do to Ryan Murphy to deserve so many god awful plots?

I think in many instances, this is entirely accurate. But there is also so much internalized homophobia that can play a huge role in depression for gay teens (and adults) and that shit follows you around too. Not to mention, gay teens are not exclusively depressed in relation to their sexuality. I have been hugely

I had a lot of issues with this episode - mainly ones that you have outlined. But Quinn's crash pretty much ruined everything. Can we not sit with the tragic opening of Karofsky's suicide attempt for a bit? Can we not waste so much time with obvious emotional manipulations that only serve to undercut the actual

yeah, this may be completely incorrect, but from what I recall I think Sherman-Palladino was signing a new contract for the 7th season and basically said if she was going to do another one she wanted to do 2 more so that she could wrap it up the way she wanted, but the actors were only signed on til the end of season

that's exactly what it reminded me of too.

ugh, as another queer girl, thank you for expressing everything I wanted to about this episode. although as a side-note, Santana vaguely referenced her Abuela in the last episode - though I'm pretty sure that was ONLY because they had this scene coming up.

You're more than welcome to give up on this show, I even understand it if you really hate Barney and Robin together, but I'm pretty sure no one else knows about them hooking up, hence the lack of disapproval about the cheating.

I agree that Santana had a smack down coming given everything she said and did this episode, and that Finn didn't intend for his comments to have such a serious fallout, but the big difference between Santana calling Finn a whale and Finn outing Santana is that being outed could seriously jeopardize her safety.