Duke Silver

If Sandra Bullock, one of only 5 nominees for best actress, was on screen for 87% of Gravity's running time, yet the averages for all nominees across the category still results in men getting an average of 85 minutes of screen time to women's average of 59 minutes of screen time, I think that is a perfectly

It's a pretty common idiom.

Mild Spoilers
I seem to recall that the reason Lorelai had to cancel the cable and start buying bread was because the 75 grand bumped them out of the running for financial aid for Yale so she ended up footing a lot more of the bill than she had foreseen, so the financial difficulty later on was only indirectly due to

I totally understand the grammatical anxiety of using an asterisk, but for those who don't know and are curious, the intention is that trans* with the asterisk acts as a sort of gender specific umbrella term the same way that queer does in a broader sense. So while trans (no asterisk) usual denotes binary identifying

Yeah, but the L word treated Max pretty terribly from what I remember.

I always interpreted him as a gay character and since he is a private person it was just never relevant to the story. Kind of a wuss decision, but we forget how few LGBT characters were on TV only 10 years ago, especially on family friendly shows like GG. I recall there being right-wing whining about the mere fact

If you're looking for good PLL coverage, I recommend Heather Hogan's recaps over at After Ellen. It's a gay/bi lady website, so there's a heavier focus on Emily than you might see elsewhere, but I think Heather may be my favorite recapper ever. She manages to get and appreciate the camp and still elevate the material.

Seriously. And Sarah, breaking a man's heart in his place of business is all kinds of inappropriate. Couldn't she have gone to his apartment later? What if the poor guy has a class to teach after lunch or something? He'll be known as the sad crying teacher. Teenagers are unforgiving.

I think it's worth pointing out that Scientology is far more likely to blame for Kidman's lack of relationship with her adopted children than she herself is. Sad either way of course.

yeah, what kind of asshole takes in needy children who would otherwise spend their childhood/adolescence being bounced around the foster care system. what a bitch, amirite?

yes, thank you. I appreciate that not everyone was going to like this episode regardless of whether or not they know the lesbian pulp source material it was clearly inspired by, but suggesting that Sex and the City or, worse still, the L word depicted gay female relationships in a better light than Lost Girl is

agreed with Violina23 and Deborah. Not to mention, I don't think Lily was simply mourning a lack of time to paint, she was mourning the loss of a bohemian lifestyle that will never again be an option. If you look back to when she and Marshall broke up early on and she seemed to want to travel and paint and be able to

I don't know, dessert is usually my favorite part of a traditional meal with my Filipino step-family. Lots of custards and coconut, plus carioca may be the best thing ever.

I don't know that I have much of an interest in the Jasmine part of that pregnancy storyline but I am interested to see what they do with Crosby in that, with Jabbar he never got to experience any of the pregnancy/birth/infancy stuff and having a new baby may bring up some of those lost memories in either a good or

I don't know that I have much of an interest in the Jasmine part of that pregnancy storyline but I am interested to see what they do with Crosby in that, with Jabbar he never got to experience any of the pregnancy/birth/infancy stuff and having a new baby may bring up some of those lost memories in either a good or

That's honestly where I thought the plot was headed; that Julia would have to come to terms with the fact that bringing Victor into the family means that Sydney is going to loose some of her innocence earlier than she would have liked. Victor clearly already has lost the majority of his (for good reason I would

That's honestly where I thought the plot was headed; that Julia would have to come to terms with the fact that bringing Victor into the family means that Sydney is going to loose some of her innocence earlier than she would have liked. Victor clearly already has lost the majority of his (for good reason I would

Arrested Development did waxed fruit, does that count?

Arrested Development did waxed fruit, does that count?

yeah, I moved in with a random roommate I met on craigslist after university. I was in my mid-twenties and my roommate was around 30, so we weren't far off in age from this gang. Five years later and we're happily married. Life takes you weird places.