
Real Estate anyone?
saw them on their fall tour and the new stuff is some of their strongest tunes yet. real excited for it. they said it'll be out by the time they play coachella in april.

Kid B

i think this album is a pretty good mix of With Light, Bend Beyond and Sun & Shade vibes.

this band is good.

Think Tank is the closest they come to out right bad. But it has its moments that save it.

Modern Life gets (unfairly) maligned as being an inferior version of Parklife… it's nice to see it get more respect with age.

blur, ranked.

Gotta be the long rumored Terror Twiglight: Farewell Horizontal reissue… right?

well, duh.

On that problematic scene in The Social Network…

hey where's the black guy?
and the old guy?

the serial serial…

Turns out Bill Cosby can do something more awful than Ghost Dad

boy you'd think someone covering this show from the first season would know that it originally aired in 2006, not 2008

It seems increasingly strange, knowing what we know from the finale, that future Ted refers to Barney and Robin's wedding as legendary in the penultimate episode.

someday you'll grow up and understand.

marshall is a lawyer. don't you think he would advised barney to not perform these stunts if barney could have, in any way, been charged with rape?


kind of amazing how many sets they still use..

it would seemed a little contrived if the mother was hanging out at the hotel that she is probably not staying at. but some flashforwards or "this is what your mother was up to" or something would help.