CS Clark

Now, let's see… this'll make three comment sections I won versus eight I ruined… two were kind of a draw…

Oh yes.

Eh, I can't see Pegg returning to TV. And Aziraphale isn't so much gay as so ethereal that many people twig that there's something different about him and wrongly chalk it up to gayness. You need someone who clearly seems to be not quite of this world.

Young Julian Sands. Or, failing the sudden and unexpected invention of time travel, modern-era Julian Sands in a wig.

You know who would make a good Newton Pulsifer? Daniel Frickin' Radcliffe. With Imogen Poots as Anathema.

Trick question! It's still the Best of Queen.

I don't think Freeman is fey enough.

From what I know of Terry Pratchett it wouldn't surprise me if the letter said "Neil, you can adapt Good Omens for television on your own over my dead body."

I don't care for introducing the notion of fairness in this case either, but to be, well, fair…

Did the skaters use, as skates, a pair of upside-down turtles who looked at the camera and went 'Eh, it's a living'? No? Then I don't care.

Fine. Then I will take back my compliment about the architecture and reiterate that the font is terrible.

Scott of the Antarctic

Lettering in comics these days - especially indies - is ridiculous at the best of times but having a ROBOT with the same font style as a little boy? Are you familiar with the saying 'Does not compute'?

I would not personally mind if 'Best swordfight movie ever' was a future topic. I have opinions on that.

Oh good, the vox pops are still part of the show.

Simple solution: get him to write The Ted Cruz Story.

If taking dildos away from those who want them isn't an attack on the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, what is?

100-cans-of-soup porn

Quentin Blake. Quinton Blake is Quentin Blake's non-union Sussex equivalent.

I have to say, if that's the lesson you've learned from Ghostbusters, you need to go back and rewatch Ghostbusters. Would Peter Venkman not sleep with a girl who doesn't like the film that he is a main character of? Hells no.