CS Clark

People do seem to, for some reason, associate 'outrage culture' - which has itself been identified as this season's 'target' - with progressives/liberals/gimmecrats.

… a statistic.

Counterpoint: Demands to refer to 'radical Islam' are exactly the sort of PC culture bullshit that elevates the appearance of certitude and the power of language over any actual policies or actions.

The Church Of The Immaculate Hangin' Ten?

I think you're casting that net a little widely. Le me tell you about another guy who promised us a better future if we supported him. He had long hair and some 'wild' ideas, and he didn't always listen to what people said was right. And that guy's name is… I forget. But the moral of the story is… I forget that too.

I honestly don't know… "I know when people are being insincere because I am always insincere" is the sort of thing a Cretan would say.

To summarise, if I had to boil it all down to one keyword, it would be "sincerity."

You know, if there was going to be one benefit from Trump going all-in the way he has, I would have hoped it would be the death of the idea that people like Bernie Sanders are just the opposite side of the same coin.

I thought it was just a realisation of the saying "An armed society is a polite society."

To (totally pretentiously) requote Swift from a few weeks ago: Satire is a sort of glass wherein beholders do generally discover everybody's face but their own; which is the chief reason for that kind reception it meets with in the world, and that so very few are offended with it.


I actually think more than nothing could be said about Go Set A Watchman, even if it's not going to make anyone's end of year list, if only as whatever the book equivalent of whatever that feature is where somebody watches a TV show from their youth and realises how false their memories are.

And Ted Raimi can be a flustered underling - a flundering if you will - who keeps popping in and out of the Oval Office for no apparent reason, making statements and asking questions that seem unconnected with the real issues, constantly causing both the staff and the audie… electorate to question why the role exists

Do you WANT to reenact the end of Zardoz? Because that's how you get end of Zardoz reenactments!

Have they made a film about the hibernating incendiary bat bombs yet? Because if not, your statement cannot possibly be true.

Just because he is a giant asshole doesn't automatically mean he has a giant asshole.

Awwww, you'll always be our number one. And two, four and five.

I'm not that sure that, unofficialy at least, Christians against Christ isn't actually a thing now.

Sergey Brin is a Millenial? He's 42!

It's almost as if some people don't realise that communication on the
Internet should be from the best, funniest, lightest-worn version of
yourself possible, with no goal other than to mildly amuse, and instead
think it's about creating self-centred psychodramas that in turn only encourage drive-by snide comments.