CS Clark

It might not make it good, but it does make a difference to know that it was bad on purpose.

lol litotes how does it work?

Bourbon keeps the symptoms manageable.

Those two lines (well, and the one after, 'And that has made all the difference.') are responsible for making it one of the most commonly misunderstood poems ever, causing people to think it an inspiring call for nonconformity.

It’s like a hotel jazz combo, like the band that plays in the lounge? This is their dream song.

I've always been fond of about half of the album Glass Houses, especially 'Close to the Borderline'.

It’s like he’s playing Street Fighter, not sax

Give me liberty or give me REDACTED!

You would guess correctly, because that's not what a trigger warning is meant to be.

A trigger warning would be telling you what song would be played next and if you personally thought it might upset you stick your fingers in your ears.

No, it was Sky High. Yes it's sad to peak so young, but it worked for Orson Welles.

McGorry does open up about his fear that weighing in on hotbutton issues
would ostracize him, either from those who disagreed with his stance or
from other feminists who saw him as opportunistic. But he ultimately
decided he “didn’t fucking care.”

I really had no idea Elton Musk looked so much like Malcolm Merlyn.

For God's sake Chris Parnell, even Freud speaks of a latency period.

The intern is the one who phones back 30 minutes later, in a panic, to tell the interviewer to not run the good answer because they've remembered that Daily Mail journalists do. not. understand. context. and will thus run a 'Parker Posey Plans To Eat Murdered Pope' headline.

I don't think you quite get his problem. It's not that he can't find it, it's that he's afraid it's cursed.

Sure, I'll take a walk. Over to Kirk Douglas's house!.


The Undead, Bride of the Monster, Manos, Zombie Nightmare, Beast of Yucca Flats, Wild World of Batwoman.

This is a good point, but in many ways one of the things we admire in actors is the ability to not always sound the same.