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    Is it rape? Do we know she was unconscious? If she's aware Rogen's character has stopped, doesn't that imply she was aware of her previous surroundings—that she was awake? Doesn't he stop once he suspects she's passed out? Is it possible for someone to be committing unintentional rape in the time between when one

    You could argue, though, that these inconsistencies fit the movie's own logic perfectly, as Rogen himself has unmedicated bipolarism and has an extremely inconsistent perspective himself.

    Interesting point; I like the movie pretty well, but can't really disagree with you. Even as I was laughing at a bunch of the things Rogen's mom says, I was a bit disappointed at how one-note she was.

    A typically manic and crazy Gilliam role. Gilliam actually has a very Robin Williams-y side to him which people seem to like, suggesting Williams is onto something, he just way, way overdoes it.

    It was the Patriots versus the Giants, Frodo. Do you even have to ask?


    I'm pretty sure we have no worries on that front, @avclub-ff106e6c37bdf72c1903080b91d5b2c8:disqus .

    Personally, I enjoyed the rain of frogs. But I usually do.

    So what happened to the other half of the matter? Did it just sublimate into pure energy? That's remarkable!

    West Coast non-football fans is a strange group to hate, @avclub-9ad2f925a32643f541b183503f33a8c6:disqus .

    My absolute favorite time capsule 9/11 response comes on the Bourne Identity DVD. An alternate cut begins with the filmmaker talking about how they had to change the original ending because it featured a large explosion, and given that the movie was slated to release shortly after 9/11, they feared audiences would be

    Well, both the funny stuff and the horrific stuff are written with the same absurdist slant, so it's pretty easy for a given scene to be either one or both at once, depending on how you're feeling that day.

    Thanks for the heads up. I don't leave my couch unless I know a dog is saving lives. Or, very occasionally, ending them.

    On the Cloverfield Scale, where Cloverfield stands at 10 Cloverfields, I would give Chronicle 3.5 Cloverfields.

    The confusion is just because we're used to thinking of "fantastical" as an adjective rather than a noun. If you replace "the fantastical" with "an armored bear," it all makes sense. Much like it always does.

    The kid who does most of the filming does make the camera float around. But there are some other scenes where he's not around.

    What, you'd rather he talk about the actual movie?

    I didn't realize it when I got him, but I think he is a corgi/chihuahua. Sometimes his expressions are identical to Ein's, too. That always makes me happy.

    My dog kept giving me funny looks while it was playing. He was right to judge me.

    Firstie-Lovin' Troll's persuasive arguments were the only other times I enjoyed firsties.