What's wrong with you guys? All that stuff in "Lord of the Rings" happened in New Zealand. It's in the Southern Hemisphere.
What's wrong with you guys? All that stuff in "Lord of the Rings" happened in New Zealand. It's in the Southern Hemisphere.
And whatever, man, I don't agree with the "scourge" comment. Everybody knows that Paul Pierce is "the source of a scourge in our culture."
I honestly just read everything under my last reply, so don't hate me for writing directly after the one person who liked my comment.
No, no, I think I pre-agreed with your last point. I think the filmmakers (or the writers of the book or the short story or the original screenplay - I don't know the derivation of the movie's plot, and I don't care enough to Google it) probably decided, well we have these white, southern, poor mountain people…
Well, hell, right on to that. I guess we gotta disagree on "Trainspotting."
I agree, the movie portrayed a fairly closed world of characters, but I got the sense that the main character's uncle (and probably his wife), along with a few of the other peripheral people she meets along the way, were at least sometime users. And the movie would have us believe that this entire clan is deep into…
"Gladiator in the Woods" was cool. If it had been rated R, it would have been epically cooler.
The popularity of "Winter's Bone"…
…is galling to me because of the prevalence of meth in this country. I would think that with such wide-spread availability of the drug, some of the reviewers putting "Winter's Bone" up there as one of the best movies this year would have even a glancing familiarity with what the…
I only like masturbation…
…when I'm (or someone I'm with is) doing it.