
Thanks to the unfathomable shittiness of Nick.com, I knew exactly how much time was left. I thought they'd end on the vacation and then bam.

I'm probably the biggest LOK homer there is. I'd go A, B, A, A. Maybe even A+ for Balance…

Plus it's not like they were getting married at the end. This was just the start of something.

I'd honestly rank S1 of ATLA below S2 of LOK. Maybe it's because I can't handle all that Meelo, but after rewatching it, most episodes were really kiddy and I found myself only paying attention to Zuko/Iroh scenes.

I would honestly put this show above Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, etc. (Basically anything but "The Wire.") It might be crazy, but I've never cared about someone fictional as I did Korra. And this episode was perfect, not just for the themes you listed, but because of the way they completed Korra's journey