
We *are* told exactly what happened. Here's a transcript of Leland's death scene, after BOB tells Harry, Cooper, et. al. that he's going to make Leland remember everything at the end:

Whoops, my bad, you are right.

How does that *confirm* it was Leland for you? It should have convinced you that it is most certainly NOT Leland.

What names are from "The Fugitive"?

"GOT A LIGHT??" is the "HOW'S ANNIE??" of this season.

Absolutely no way the beetle is Laura. There is a natural revulsion to insects for many people; artistically, it wouldn't make sense to put the countering, 'good' spirit into an insect / frog hybrid. The only way it could have been telegraphed to us as more obviously NOT a good entity is if Lynch had out it into a

And also it happened up at Pearl Lakes, which isn't more than an hour or two from Twin Peaks. Not in New Mexico.

Unless he was leaving a message for Phillip Gerard.

To Twin Peaks. That was the soul (or whatever) that became Laura, presumably sent to Earth to be a counterforce to Atomic BOB.

You're thinking of Bettie Page. Not Beverly.

Do they have a Williams-Sonoma? Because that's where I'd camp out. Great cooking equipment, some mixes and sauces. I could trade with the people in the food court; they'd give me supplies and I'd whip up some memorable end-of-days meals for them.

Trans-ischemic attack — a TIA — is a little stroke.

We already have the stock, arbitrary army-is-evil trope. All we need now is for there to be pink stars falling at the mall and a plucky band of misfit teens.

And Sy moving ahead with the plan to divest Emmit of Stussy Lots — presumably to sever the connection with Varga and his shadowy organization — without informing Emmit.

"You can always depend on the kindness of strangers, To pluck up your spirits and shield you from dangers…"

He was great in that short-lived Robin Williams/Sarah Michelle Gellar sitcom, "The Crazy Ones," so his ability to do funny line readings wasn't surprising to me.

Then why was Sy spitting out the liquid, obviously completely grossed out by it, when they forced him to drink it all? Water with vague, invisible scrote-germs wouldn't provoke that violent a gag reaction. That looked like the reaction of someone being forced to drink piss, at least it did to me.

None of that happens in the book — Ofglen doesn't get a real name, she doesn't get mutilated and returned to Handmaid duty, and there's no car incident, so no one can spoil that for you.

Well, the Commander did say, in a very pointed manner, that it was "a very little thing."

Add The Handmaid's Tale on Wednesdays, and now you've got to suffer through the feels for more than half the week!