
I think Tatiana resembles Nina more than Evgheniya, what with those deep brown eyes.

All the electricity is why the drummers keep exploding.

So satisfying to see Chuck brought low. Those dominoes were set up perfectly, and knocked down perfectly.

He'll always be David St. Hubbins to me.

Really? I thought that was Offred saying what she thought Serena Joy wanted to hear, anything to get her sentence lifted.

I find The Handmaid's Tale much more frightening than The Walking Dead, because it's so much more plausible.

Not to mention Way Out and Lode Runner!

Are you kidding? Pretty much any suburban home built between 1955 and 1964, that hasn't had its bathrooms updated, has at least one pink bathtub and one pink toilet. There's an entire blog dedicated to it, something like savethepinkbathrooms.com. My 1958 ranch home's hall bathroom has that exact tub (but alas, by the

And criminal water inspectors.

Say what you will, but Sarah is the only one who saw that clue, and she wasn't even the one sitting five inches from it.

Phillip wasn't the only one who added blemishes for the tailing of Evgheniya; I could swear Elizabeth was sporting a cold sore on her upper lip. Impressive and gross commitment!

Has Edward always had the 1960s Batman scene transition melody as his ringtone? That was pretty amusing.

Perotta and Lindelof via the Wu Tang Clan name generator.

I saw them as video waivers.

Or she could have just gotten all leathery from the radiation treatment, and it isn't a flash forward at all. (And yeah, I also do not really believe that Nora is buying into any of this stuff Mark Linn Baker is selling).

I know it's prohibited with the Oscars (which is why you'll sometimes see a Best Actor nominee downgraded to Best Supporting for their other nominated role, just so they can skirt that regulation and get their two nominations), but I'm not sure how the Emmys deals with it.

Or "Too Many Cooks."

Wacko Criminal, here.

Oh. Wow. How did I miss that?? Fantastic catch!

Did you watch the episode? That's what Nora mistakenly called them when talking to Erika.