
You'd have to be nuts to turn down Verizon commercial money.

I was sure he was going to end up in Storage B.

Having been to many pagan fairs and shops, I can attest that the designs on the cases at Phone Henge were dead on for that sort of thing.

Teddy "Theodore" Flood and Bill S. Delos, Esquire.

I love those old timey Survivor days, when contestants legitimately almost starved and there were no idols. Didn't an entire camp get washed away by a flooded river that season?

I thought he was doomed as soon as he said "This is my final five, right here" to his alliance. I thought the use of "my" sounded smug and presumptuous, and could have rubbed some people (Will!) the wrong way.

Yeah, he used the wrong phrase. What I think he wanted was more like: "the potential consequences are greater for me than perhaps anyone else who's ever played this game."

No, he's also missed the fact that the farther out from Sweetwater you go, the more you can be hurt. Sweetwater is the noob's adventure. The higher level stuff is farther out, towards the edges of the park. And btw, it's not that hosts can't hurt humans; it's that hosts can't KILL humans.

We have never actually seen the MiB rape Dolores. There's been some speculation that the dragging to the barn scene was just for posterity; that the MiB knew that Teddy's dying eyes were still recording his interaction with Dolores, so he wanted to keep "playing" that narrative in order to keep the control room staff

Logan didn't "open her up to see"; he opened her up to *show*. He was showing don't-call-me-Billy that she wasn't human. That's nothing like curiosity.

Yup, that's exactly what I thought, too. He's building a Host Theresa.

I thought William's line to Dolores about wanting to know the deeper meaning of it all (referring to Westworld) was as much of a dead giveaway about him being the MiB as "What door?" was the giveaway that Bernard was a host.

Maybe Theresa assumed Bernard couldn't see the door because it was so dark in the house.

Bernard, not Arnold.

Literally "fool the eye." Optical illusion.

But it's not really clearly showing it if they cut away at any point. "Clearly showing it" would be the camera following Dolores from the moment of killing the outlaw, going out of the barn, wandering into the wilderness, etc.etc., until she reaches William's camp. A cutaway practically *begs* speculation about what

Hemsworth is in Livestock Management. He's not security.

I just rewatched all of the episodes a few days ago, and caught a VERY fast glimpse of the alternate logo on the door of one of the cold storage rooms. Also on a wall the time Bernard goes down to cold storage with the Hemsworth brother and has all that water rush in to the elevator. So it seems like there's a reason

There's a difference between a company's word mark and their logo mark. Nowadays we also have something I want to call a *lettermark*, which is like the T for Twitter or F for Facebook that you see in the place where a website posts its social media icons. The bird is a logo mark. The name "Twitter" spelled in the

Anything in the 'behind the scenes' rooms. Like the interviews. Anything with the MiB. And I'm also starting to think that any of her scenes with Teddy are in the present, too. I think he's a fairly recent model. Remember that Clementine says to him in the pilot, almost first thing, "You're new — not much of a rind on