
I just cannot understand the love some people and culture critics have for this band. There are two or three really great tracks from them, Good Vibrations, Sloop John B, but other than that it's all twaddle. The hell am I missing?

Srsly, you gotta give them a spin.

Cheetos Bronzer? Oh, Indiana, never change.

"misogynistic undertones"?Good grief…

Josh, you gotta see the Trail of Dead live. What am I thinking, you probably have already. Anywho, their newer albums, especially Century of Self, Tao of the Dead and Lost Songs are all incredible. Their newest though, not so much.

Is it me or does anyone else have a soft spot for Trapt? Their rhythm section does it for me, I think…

Welcome back, Steve!!!

I was just thinking the same thing. Best feature they've done in a long while. Thanks to their monthly list and Spotify, I rarely get work done until noon…

Oh, not you too, AV Club…

Bingo. Nail on head.

Nada Surf is an incredibly underrated band. All their post Let Go albums sound similar but if it ain't broke…

100% yes. Amazing song. Great album.

Fantastic episode, A+. And I wasn't super-drunk while watching it so pretty sure it's still good sober.

I know that Train is godawful and went full-retard a long time ago, but I stand by this statement: Train's debut, despite Meet Virginia, is one of the best debut albums ever. It's fantastic, very August And Everything After quality. That and their One And A Half EP, just wow. Listen to Sweet Rain and you'll see.

There once were screenshots of an awesome-looking caveman/dinosaur open world game for the 360 but that got scrapped long ago… Was so looking forward to that.

Wait, Grantland has an interview with the cast of Samurai Pizza Cats? LINK!?

I feel like We Were Dead's not getting a fair shake. That's an excellent record, one of their best.