Inside Joke

Can I cast my vote for 10,000 Maniacs "These Are Days"?

Harris Wittels is a sad excuse for a human being and a joke thief of the highest order. He goes out of his way to step on people to make himself more famous. He would get booed off the stage (by other comedians) if he ever made his way back to Boston. Also, he was responsible for Secret Girlfriend on Comedy Central

Costume Idea
I am going to dress in rags, apply rotting makeup to my face (bruises, sores, flesh deterioration), tie one arm behind my back, and when people say stuff to me, I am going to cup my hand behind my ear and yell, "WHAT?"

The M Resort
The M Resort is nice. It has a gorgeous pool, big cabanas, and it gave away this week's $15,000 Quickfire prize. Too bad the evening concierge is nothing more than an actual tamed Eastern Lowland Gorilla. He couldn't even set me up with a table at the Banana Cabana, and everyone knows that's a gorilla

Lick It For Ten
This is the only part of the show I saw. I genuinely wanted to give it a chance; however, there was no way in which this sketch showed bizarre promise. It was audience members coming up on stage and licking parts of innocuous objects. I was waiting for some Conan-esque twist, like the objects

The "Hook" Moment
I've been a fan of Look Around You since I caught it randomly on BBC America a few years ago. I dowloaded a torrent of the first season and would show it to friends who share my sensibilities. I thought it funny that, without exception, including the people I asked to watch it when it started airing