
I saw them play Street Spirit at the Hollywood Bowl during the In Rainbows tour. They started the riff and then Thom Yorke stopped playing and said something along the lines of, "Well, shit, I guess we are gonna play one of the old ones," and then started over again.

As an actual manic-depressive, I second this.

As an actual manic-depressive, I second this.

Come on, Clueless is many leagues above the other two.

Come on, Clueless is many leagues above the other two.

Pat Garret and Billy the Kid is indeed the shit and is probably my second favorite western ever, but I found both Slow Fade and Nog to be nigh unreadable.

Pat Garret and Billy the Kid is indeed the shit and is probably my second favorite western ever, but I found both Slow Fade and Nog to be nigh unreadable.

You guys should do this with that Zot! collection released a while back.

You guys should do this with that Zot! collection released a while back.


Love living in LA. Wings of Desire with Wim Wenders and shit.

You mean Tamriel, not Cyrodiil. Cyrodiil is another province, in which the previous game, Oblivion, is set it.

I would watch the shit out of the wooden monastery spaceship version of Alien 3.

Hey, The Minders were the shit.


He's in a lot of it, and he's, by far, the best part of the film.

Game Changer
That wasn't product placement.

It's pretty much exactly the same. More people seem to have a keyboard or something, though, because there's a lot more articulate, full reviews. By which I mean more than twenty-five words.

Is it worth it?
I think that depends on why you're playing it in the first place. As a creation tool, yeah, LBP2 definitely is worth the upgrade — you can make cutscenes with fucking voice acting, for chrissakes.

I got William Gibson on a text message I wrote to someone, and David Foster Wallace from a lengthier email.