
That's great but couldn't Apple or the car maker just not have it autoplay when the iphone or ipod's plugged in? Is there something I'm not getting about that?

Homer At The Bat.

Very loud dignity?

Christ, no. I mean, I would love a well-done adaptation but there's no chance in hell.

Aside from anything else, a fair amount of the technology was dated about ten seconds after publication. (Well, okay, not that fast, but you know.) I mean, there's floppy disks in it. The bigger, floppier kind!

Maybe they thought "Shit, we gave that villain a ridiculous name that sounds even more ridiculous the more people say it, let's just shove him into the background as much as we can."

It looks more like a space sea lion in that shot, but maybe that's just the angle.

I've been thinking about rereading his, er, I don't remember what it's called, the series of 4 books partly set in the virtual worlds that a bunch of rich assholes are trying to take over and make themselves immortal in. I remember enjoying them, even the digressions.

New Crobuzon, the city in China Mieville's Perdido Street Station, has a neighborhood called Bonetown that's centered around a rib cage, with the ribs arching up several stories high. It's not quite as big as a skull island might be, but still pretty impressive.

That's ridiculous.

Oh, no, sure, the movie itself is great.

Titles with names, especially surnames, are generally tricky to do well, even generic names like Smith or whatever. The Hudsucker Proxy never had a chance.

Another pun thread? Have mrsa.

So it's only available on DirecTV? Seems… I don't know, limiting.

Yeah, that "Let's see what others do" tacked on the end is a real dick move. I hope the replies were filled immediately with insults.

I just watched Misery, for which she won that award, a few nights ago. She is great in it.

Features like Wiki Wormhole are practically designed to veer off-topic almost immediately as conversations and subthreads develop. Even things like movie reviews— look at the one for Dunkirk, for instance.

"Grown Adult Product Development"

But we've got personality!

As much as I generally agree, well…. Look at that picture.