
Wait, so yes, a Kinja account does have to be linked to a social media account, if we want it to actually remain ours? If so, is that the case for ones ported over from Disqus?

It's been a while since I've seen it, but weren't they villains on Fringe? Or at least, conflicted.

Here, have a like.

Good heavens that's atrocious.

Real answer, though by no means guaranteed to be correct— maybe for compatibility with mobile devices? I personally loathe the mobile-ification of desktop sites, but that's the first thing I thought of.

Switching it up for Futurama, nice

"Boy, these people really hate that old computer game!"

The Blumenthal thing is, what, that he was in the military but lied about specifically serving in Vietnam? Or that he was in Vietnam but not in the place or action he's described? Or was he not actually in the military at all?

I presume that the house that Trump bought a bunch of years ago for x million dollars and sold a few years later for something like x*3 million dollars, without changing a single thing about it, to some oligarch or other who then never visited it once, and then tore it down anyway, is part of the investigation. I

He should be gritting all 60 of his teeth.

Oh, is that where that's from?

The first use of that laser thing was kind of horrifying but unexpectedly hilarious.

I was hoping that line would appear in the movie, but— spoiler, I guess? is it even worth hiding it?— it doesn't.

It's going to make enough money back to justify a sequel, actual quality be damned. Which is disappointing. If an entirely new creative team worked on that, maybe they could rescue it, but I have very little hope of that.

Judging by this administration, I assumed it'd be about abolishing the FDA and letting drug companies grab people off the street to test products on, but luckily it appears it's not that.

Couldn't at least BBC America just air the existing episodes of QI, so we don't have to resort to Youtube trickery to see it?

Aside from everything else, it's fun to say "Ron Funches", so he's already ahead of the game.

Much of that time is him on the phone with customer service, on hold, until finally they come back on and tell him they're going to escalate his ticket.

Oddly enough, I just received the DVD of Misery from Netflix a couple of days ago. I meant to watch it tonight but got sidetracked.

I've heard of Featherstonehaugh, but how's Marjoribanks pronounced?