
I feel like every article about Scaramucci ought to have the phrase "This fuckin' guy" somewhere in it.

The what now?

Watching him on this show not too long after end of Justified was a bit of a whiplash but he's terrific.

My favorite season 1 running joke was the Lieutenant's devastating illness, that played out only in the episode descriptions.

If the wife is a praying mantis or one of those weird deep-sea fish that absorbs its mate, then yes.

a) What happened to Mexico paying for the wall, Trump, you fucking lunatic?

Right, it should have been something like "coincidentally", if it had to be anything.

It's Mark E Smith, there's no reasoning with him.

The Real New Fall LP (or the Country On The Click version, either one) is a pretty good entry point as well.

It's how I read the review!

*timidly raises hand*

I think something like each of his first 7 or 8 stories won major awards (and then most of the rest did too), so Chiang's about as far from "poseur" as you can get. So basically, Rex Reed can go fuck himself.

There's no chance in hell he read the actual short story.

Sounds like a web series in the making. Harvey, if you're reading, give @disqus_IBNltfhZEd:disqus some cash and a producer credit.

That's as may be, but "Keiynan"?

I hear it's pretty funny.

I still use a DOS prompt every so often. (in a window, but still.)

I did too, after my dad's computer just went and updated itself from 7 to 10 without any warning. For all I know 10 is sitting there dormant on my machine, but hell if I'll (knowingly) allow it to show its face.

Hey, there are children reading this, let's keep it clean!

There's the crucial mustache-shaving scene in MI6 that you just need to have the real one for, otherwise it'll look terrible.*

*This is not true, but I wish it was