
Maybe the mustache is integral to the MI plot.

My tolerance wasn't that high— I bailed afterthe 5th episode. I just couldn't get past Dirk being an excitable young motormouth. Also I kind of hated the holistic assassin.

More like hat-rack

Will Vinton, the California Raisins guy?

"And, of course, Kevin Smith." Oh fuck off, Ernest Cline.

We needed the eggs!

Somewhere out there in the world there's a teenager or 20-something that's going to be cast as Donnie Jr in a movie 20 years from now. Start pitying that young man now, because he'll need it then.

Right. Yes. Not sure why I blanked on that.

One thing I heard mentioned just as an aside was that Trump not having his own translator there was a breach of security protocol. Apart from anything else, it seems dumb as shit to not have your own translator there, for exactly the reason you describe.

It's a strategy (not just his, but the Republicans' since ACA passed) akin to giving someone standing on a cliff edge a shove and then claiming that they jumped.

It didn't look much like a goldfinch, either; it had a crest of sorts. But maybe that was the lighting or something.

There's got to be a conspiracy theory out there somewhere based solely on their similar names.

You do not want to imagine the Michael Bay version of this movie.

Is Following worth a viewing? It's been on my to-see list for ages but never got around to it. It sounds like… maybe not? Other than maybe as a study of Nolan's origin.

My uncle was a bombardier in WWII (doing the math I think he fudged his age by a year or two). I never asked him about it, and I don't remember him volunteering anything other than how hellishly loud the planes were, but I think he did tell my dad about it so maybe I'll bring it up with him. My uncle's still alive

The Jam's Sound Affects is legit one of the best albums of the last 35 or whatever years.

That's the best way to guess!

Not that it had gotten unwatchable or anything, or was really anything less than watchable (with certain exceptions) but it had actually gotten pretty good the last few years before that, so it was even weirder that NBC would just dropkick it out the door.

I haven't read it yet, so I couldn't say (it's on the shelf on the to-do pile); I'm thinking of his short stories.

She's right though, there is something oddly intriguing about the name.