
George Saunders could take some of the blame, but on the other hand he's amazing at it. (And it's not quite what he does, anyway.)

It's on every day this week at 7:45PM on, er, whatever channel it's usually on. I learned this just after this particular episode finished airing yesterday (so I maybe shouldn't be in here, but in true AV Club fashion I skipped right to the comments).

I just rewatched it a few weeks ago, and yeah, I was struck by how great Pitt was in such a different type of role than he usually takes.

Also "aeroflot" is fun to say, at least if you use a short o in '…flot'.

I'd accept "Walking On Sunshine" but not bloody Smash Mouth.

Considering this is the sort of nonsense that would turn up as a sweeps ploy, I'd venture to guess this all Trump's idea.

I really want it to open with a completely dark screen, then the words "The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed." to fade in in white in some not-shitty font, then fade out, then the movie itself fade in and the thing gets started. That alone will earn a lot of goodwill with me. (Not

So, wait, you hold it by the tail and lower it into your mouth, and then what, pull out a skeleton? Or d'you just bite off a bit and keep going until it's done?

European royalty really is just one giant family, isn't it. Not a lot of branches on that tree, I expect.

He had people who had interesting findings (I think every single word there could have ironic quotes around it, except 'who'), and of course promised to reveal all at some undetermined point in the future, and of course never did because it was all utter horseshit.

Another way to look at it is that they didn't do anything weird, incompetent, or illegal enough for us US-ians know about.

Very sorry, Rocky.

That part, sure (filmability-wise, I mean). But then it says (spoilers I guess, but all the plot descriptions and book jackets mention it) "Five thousand years later" and goes on for another 300 pages. That part…

Consider Phlebas, aside from the main character hating the Culture, which is slightly unusual, is kind of constructed mostly as set-pieces— the Eaters, the megaship, the temple of light, the station— so in a way it might be easier than the others.

Oh shit, really? Not a whole lot of Stephenson's stuff seems that filmable, at least as a single movie, but one can dream…

If the movie had been made 30 years ago it would have been one of those giant cell phones like what's-his-name carried around on Saved By The Bell.

John Wick: The Legend of Curly's Gold

So… I should not have cleaned out all the local Staples' supplies of rubber bands?

CG technology's pretty advanced, judging by this movie, so the Idirans probably wouldn't be terribly difficult, but still, yeah.

I've never heard of them but now I'll have to track them down…