
This city's supposed to have grown around the ISS, right? So it's floating around Earth*. But even 30 million people would make it big enough to start fucking with the tides and orbits and suchlike, to the point where things would start crashing into other things and obliterating various forms of life and so forth.

I finished the first two but about 90% through the third I abruptly had enough and dropped it. What you describe was definitely a factor, on top of the fact that it's just so repetitive— get to a location, blow away a ton of hired goons, grab some item you need for the next location out from under the nose of the bad

Well, I'm exaggerating a little, of course. But I was thinking mainly of the whole "10% of your brain" thing and well, kind of everything about Morgan Freeman's character.

In a similar vein, why not Stephen Fry?

He might make a good James Bond, too, now that I think about it. He's already got the practice with those middling holodeck episodes from DS9.

Hey, how about Rowan Atkinson as the Doctor?

Okay then, how about Billy Connolly?

I would absolutely love a movie set in Iain M. Banks' Culture universe but I have absolutely no faith it will ever happen, let alone happen well. Maybe something animated.

I'd also think there'd be more than 30 million inhabitants too, but what do I know.

Sounds like one of those "monkey's paw" type deals.

That was basically my thought when I finished watching Lucy — "that was unbelievably stupid in about a thousand different ways but I kind of enjoyed it!"

Well, it is called "Red-Eye", after all…

Really, the other baby should've been named Madam.

All the leftover bits in the bins at the end of the day, squashed into a block by a hydraulic press, between whatever slices of bread we found behind the oven. Eat Fresh!

Maybe it's just because Joe Scarborough was on Colbert yesterday and I watched a bit of that segment so I remembered what he looks like, but Showalter kinda looks like Joe Scarborough.

That conversation actually happened, on-air? That's beautiful.

It seems like the entire calculation is "It'll cost ten million, but make 11 million, so we make a million bucks in profit? Greenlight that sumbitch!" where actual movie quality not only never enters the thinking, it's explicitly prohibited.

It got a voice acting nomination (for Kristen Schaal).

Any three of those, even the ones I've never heard of, would have been much better.

SNL has three Outstanding-Supporting-Actress-in-a-Comedy-Series nominations (Vanessa Bayer, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones), which really just shows how weak that category must've been this year.