
Wow, there are a shit-ton more categories than I thought. Including "Outstanding Commercial".

His appearing in the Transformers movie suddenly makes a whole lot more sense.

Oddly enough, I just watched the Married…With Children two-parter where they go to Florida and get chased by a serial killer, only for the townsfolk to let the killer go because he's also the man who met Andy Griffith and they don't want to lose that claim to fame.

Don't forget his weasel-faced chinlessness.

The clue was about keeping animals safe, but "game reserve", while correct, kind of has the opposite implication, doesn't it? The word 'game' applied to animals usual means those animals whose destiny is the business end of a bullet or arrow.

It did, but NBC did everything it could to bland it up as the seasons went on, with varying degrees of success.


Wasn't that plotline closely followed by the musical episode and the storyline about housing Chinese immigrants in Oz? That writer's room must have scored some primo shit that week.

Whichever writers came up with that must've had a hell of a grudge against Hall and [what's-her-name].

Right? All reports were that the charity actually was doing exactly what it was supposed to, before DJT swooped in.

Trump did in fact tweet something about it being fake news (something like "if 'sources say', then they're made up or lying"). I have to assume a large number of the reply tweets pointed out that hey genius, your dipshit son was the source.

There was a game last week, I think it was, where he did that constantly, and it was aggravating as fuck.

I knew it anyway, but I've been on a Married With Children kick lately (it mostly holds up) and I happened to have browsed through a bunch of related entries on Wiki, including Christina Applegate's.

The eternal paradox.

Why would or should anyone outside their immediate circles care, anyway?

If that were actually true and not just impromptu horseshit, wouldn't that make Trump Jr et al even stupider for agreeing to it?

Unless you CGI literally everything, probably not.

A bunch of years ago Sammy Sosa strained a back muscle sneezing and had to go on the disabled list for like three weeks. Clearly the safest thing to do is sit motionless in a dark room 24/7.

I don't think I've heard of Geostorm before its mentions here, but just from the title I think I have a decent idea of both its plot and its quality. It sounds like a SyFy movie that somehow escaped from their servers into the theaters.