Iván González

I'vee seen it. Good fuckin' movie.

I'vee seen it. Good fuckin' movie.

Sorry, girl, not man. :)

Well, all right, i'm going to assume it: I made a little mistake up there. But you know what Justin Bieber? At least I nailed my name perfectly not once, but twice. Somehing you couldn't do: because i'm assuming here you're the real teen sensation mocking my spelling abilities and not someone else. I mean, why on

This is what i don't get about critics
So, you're capable of giving this craptastic album and this awful singer a b+ rating because she does craptastic and cliche music really good: dumb, fun, danceable and wholly forgettable. But in movies, whenever something like Battle L.A. or Sucker Punch or 300 comes stumbling

Well, I had a lot of fun, you didn't and really, that's too bad for you boys! Not me, I enjoyed this mess of a movie. So there…

Come on
poor critics, sometimes, I think they just can't be bothered to have fun at a movie (I know this is unfair, but, come on… this D+ nonsenses is like giving Black Swan a bad rating because it doesn't have any shoot outs at some Nakatomi Building… it's not that kind of movie)