George Oscar

I enjoyed that story the most and my favorite part was by far their reaction to the gull taking the dog tags.

@avclub-63c17d596f401acb520efe4a2a7a01ee:disqus …and it's a little silly for me to fixate so much on one  detail I don't buy when we're talking about a show that also has a single employee who throws his phone away because he believes he's being recruited by the FBI, operates a bed and breakfast on a beet farm,

Sure, it's very heightened and might happen if somebody goes AWOL with no explanation. But in the previous episode Andy called in sick (for one day at that time) and Nellie shows up and declares she's taking the job. Robert just sat back and let it happen. I understand it's a sitcom and they don't have to operate in

I'm hoping it comes back. I love the cast and enjoy the rest of it enough that I've come to look forward to the 30 minutes I spend watching it.

I realized last night that the most bizarre-o world-est thing they're doing (and perhaps have ever done) is continuing with the idea that any CEO, ever, would allow somebody to show up in an office while the manager is away and happily let that person just TAKE THE MANAGER'S JOB.

Oh, wow. I had forgotten that even existed and now remember how prepared I was for the inevitable crash and burn of The Office after seeing it.

21st Century Breakdown was always going to suffer from comparisons to American Idiot. I'd agree, though, that it's got some good stuff here and there but doesn't work from start to finish like American Idiot. And when you say "released right after", I'm assuming you mean the order of release and not necessarily the

Yeah, that was perfectly staged. And even though I saw it coming with Luke weaving around in the background, I still cracked up. 

Oddly enough, I'm going to reply to somebody with an almost identical avatar and agree about the line of the episode. Ryan using "listed" was just perfect.

I guess my response to @avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus would have been more appropriate here. Damn my refusal to read further before I comment.

I was kind of hoping they'd let his line about asking Tessa's address just hang there and give the audience credit for realizing he was going to send her a thank you note. But Tessa had to acknowledge it by assuring him he didn't need to send a note.

You only think The Wire is dog shit because you came in late and just want to talk about how cool Omar is. You weren't watching it the right way.

Wasn't there a Jake Jarmel? The guy with the stylish glasses, maybe? I always liked the last name.

"My baby looks like pee" was probably my biggest laugh. I also rather enjoyed all the meta-jokes in this one, like Derek pointing out how they talk too fast and he never even knows what they're talking about.

I don't see any reason why that couldn't still be the case. We don't know anything about the finace, do we? I don't know if we ever heard what business he's in, but maybe Richmond screwed him over in the past somehow and the dude is trying to frame Richmond. I could see the writers backtracking and going with that

I'm convinced that you're right, @avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus. If that's the case it will render the first season even more pointless, which is a pretty impressive achievement if you really think about it.  If we haven't even met the killer yet, they could have condensed all of Season 1 into like

You just don't get it. What they're doing with this show is taking our expectations, you know, of what we think this type of show can be…and they're transcending, like…with any great work of art, it doesn't have to conform to, you know, what the audience has been programmed to…it's just a heightened viewing experience

I hope they use "holler" to agree and "dis" to disagree.

My friend and I, neither of which will ever own a horse, already made that agreement long ago. I got dibs on Prickly Pete, so he has to go with Snoopy.

I have to agree about enjoying Helen clapping for Jerry when he opens the Wizard.