Yeah, this needs to happen.
Yeah, this needs to happen.
All of the lines mentioned here were great. (I think the baby shower/penis stuff might have been my favorite, but it's hard to top a "big black dock" joke in the first 10 seconds of the show).
YES. That was the best part of her "reawakening".
Yep, they're putting together quite a pantheon of lines that somehow made it to air.
I thought this '63 was the creepiest since the one who abducted children or whatever. The one that dunked that little kid in the lake.
I'd love to be on set when the actor is getting that direction.
Their explanation for Lori's reaction to Rick was asinine. She was mad at herself? That's funny, because she looked extremely mad at Rick when she was glaring at him and tearing off in a huff.
I hope we learn what the T in T-Dog stands for in season three. Now that they revealed what the doctor said to Rick at the CDC, I can't think of a more pressing question in my mind.
I sort of loved that as soon as T-Dog got two white women in a truck by himself, his solution was to basically abscond with them and ditch everyone else.
@avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus I've been hoping for that all season. Just once, can't somebody put a few in the ground near a walker instead of directly into their head or torso? I know they've trained, but wow.
Unfortunately, they put the kibosh on that idea in the last episode by having T-Dog in multiple scenes and actually saying and doing stuff.
I'm sorry, but I think it's three Moops at the end.
Maybe the writers have planned all along to have him survive until the end and intentionally made "Dog" part of his name as a nod to the dog in Lost that is one of the last two characters seen in the series.
I'm just glad they stuck with the joke long enough to get to the point where he apologized to Oscar for his comments.
…the horn line from that song has been in my head all day and I've been sitting at my desk tapping my foot.
They should just make T-Dog a character like that one from the She-Ra cartoon that was hidden somewhere in the background of each episode. Then at the end of the episode (or on Talking Dead) they could do a "Did You Spot T-Dog?" segment where they re-air the scene where he was hidden.
A few others have said the same thing so I'd have to imagine that's correct. I'm always inclined to emphasize the wrong syllable in her last name and pronounce it with a "SHANN" sound.
I'd agree with your comments, @avclub-f423423863960a21f2bb75f5095dc6fb:disqus and @avclub-ee4fadf37efceab02df97947e8d240a6:disqus. I do my best to just sit back and look for moments that make me laugh and aren't completely outlandish. Dwight still delivers some gems in his talking heads and my favorite small moment…
Agreed, I'd be devastated to see Creed go, but the boldness of a show to do something like that would be fantastic.