George Oscar

I have a friend who will go to his grave convinced that's the funniest line in Seinfeld history. I loved it, too, but not at the same level.

Definitely. I'd love to see little easter eggs throughout the series giving a nod back to the first season. Just can't see it being the main story again.

@avclub-a7b630d72fa01c899f5be34ebc9e8619:disqus Holy shit I love the internet.

Good point, but I'd imagine it would be very tough to nail down all the different cast members at that point if they intend on continuing this story, which it sounds like they don't.

What's the best/funniest possible style of dance for a Rubber Man routine?

Ugh, I don't know if I can get past the first sentence of that review. The show DIDN'T KILL OFF its lead characters. It may have killed them, but on a show where there are more dead characters than living characters, it doesn't really qualify as being "killed off" if they're still, you know, actually involved in the

Once there are enough troubled teen ghosts in the house, they need to start a band called Rubber Man & The Wang Zippers.

There's a rubber man inside me and only when he's out can I (really don't remember how the quote ends)…walk freely?

You just reminded me of another hilarious part of the Beetlejuice routine and the new family's escape. The mom and dad basically just ran out to the car and were like, "Hey, son that we left in the house! Hurry up, this place is totally fucked and we need to get out of here!"

I'm in for next season, unless it derails quickly and horribly (although I have absolutely no idea what this show derailing quickly and horribly would look like).

The dog not kicking the bucket had to be the biggest shock of the season. They fooled me but good - after it bit Addie in the pilot, I was 100% certain it was a goner.

Aside from possibly a few moments on Always Sunny, I haven't laughed as much at a TV show this season. And if it was intended to be touching instead of just a wink to the audience to say, "Yeah, we know this show is over-the-top cheesy sometimes", it's all the funnier.

I loved that the Harmon family's rapid assimilation into the ghost world made, "Yeah, you did!" possible. It takes a special man to be able to transition so seamlessly from smoking, drinking and sticking a gun in his mouth to joking around with his ghost daughter.

I was laughing my ass off at the whole Christmas scene and part of the reason was that Todd's "Our house to yours" idea at least partially came to fruition.

If this show lasts 5 or 6 seasons, it should be really interesting to see how far they have to dig to keep coming up with groups of people they can make bigoted comments about.

I feel like the Rubber Man in this picture looks more bloated than the original Rubber Man. Maybe I've just become so accustomed to the lanky Rubber Tate that I can't remember the original Rubber Man's physique.

Why is Rubber Man all ballooned up in this week's episode image? He looks like he ate all the other ghosts.

I was kind of wondering that as well. Was the final season also the one with the assistant coach that worked at Sears? Seems like a lot either way.

I must be in the giving mood for the holidays because I managed to give the show a lot of leeway last night for plot holes that were completely ridiculous. Your post about the bombs throughout the jungle reminded me of another one that made me roll my eyes.

I had similar, "Dear Terra Nova, what the fuck?" feelings about this episode, and Wash was the cause of one of them. Obviously, somebody "important" was going to die in the finale. But for the first time in 13 episodes they actually spent a little time giving Wash some depth, just in time for her to die heroically