George Oscar

YES! That was easily the badass-est move Dr. Harmon will ever make. 

Yeah, I kind of rolled my eyes at the idea that Autocorrect would change a real word into an abbreviation for vagina. If I was more invested in this show, I would have been bothered by that and (as somebody mentioned above) the awful writing at the end with Taco trying to get the guy to hit the gun bong.

I guess the build up for Plan B got my expectations too high, because I was sort of let down by it just being a dance. Funny, but not what I was expecting.

As much as I enjoyed so many different things in this episode, I was a little disappointed that the Plan B payoff was another dance routine. I know that they do them well and each one is funny by itself, but I guess I was just expecting something else. There were even individual parts of last night's dance that I

This was the season of Dennis for me. I appreciate different things about each character and Dee has been great for a while, too, but Dennis usually had my favorite moments from each episode this season. And I love how long they've been building his dark side and molding him into somebody you legitimately believe

Agreed. Her expression, her walk, the way she carries the bottle…all fantastic.

The non sequitur or awful comeback insult is a joke that will always make me laugh. Cases in point:

Sweet, another chance for me to express my appreciation for Peterman's, "It'll just be the bulls" line. I don't know why that line kills me so much.

My favorite bit in the Elaine/Vincent story is easily the fact that she left him his cigarettes and fireworks but made sure to grab the vodka. The look of frustration on her face and the way she just ambles away is a pretty nice bit of work by Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

4) I actually played some pretty wicked solos when I was in No Use For a Name, and now nobody would even notice if I wasn't in this band. Oh well, I'm getting paid.

I was confused about that, too. Seems like he either A) Doesn't remember the beat down (which could very well be the case, I have no idea what the precise effects of being chloroformed are) and just woke up on the bedroom floor like, "Well, I wake up in the yard with a shovel sometimes, whatevs." or B) Doesn't really

My biggest question about the writers' room on this show is what ideas actually get rejected?

I was so baffled by the medium's explanation of everything that by the time she was done I was just left in a daze wondering what the hell just happened.

I DVR'd it and didn't watch it until last night because I just couldn't muster up any desire to see what happened this week. Then I realized there's nothing else on at this point in the year, so I gave it a shot. It only confirmed what I've been inching towards ever since the pilot: the only thing I like about this

I forgot about the glittering particles/thoracic process.

I know Brad William Henke is more recognizable from his small role on Lost, but I'll always think of him as the rape-y football player he was on maybe two episodes of Sportsnight.

I think it would have been awesome for him to recover his heart just because I have no idea how they would have resolved that issue.

Yeah, somebody else mentioned it earlier, but this episode is the closest the show has come to making me feel bad for the characters. Seeing them being mocked in the high school element while being desperate to fit in or not acknowledging that they weren't popular was kind of strange. I don't usually give a shit what

Dooley is not in the house.

I always just assumed it was Rob (or something) Mcelhenney since they already gave Charlie a partial real name on the show.