
It's good to see some people standing up for The Village, which I unexpectedly really really enjoyed. Maybe it's because I had heard so much negative stuff about it - my expectations were so low that they couldn't help but be exceeded.

The scene earlier in the season where Cheryl and Larry were chatting outside the restaurant, just reading the menu and complaining about the lighting inside was really well done as well. They had amazing chemistry, and I suddenly realized I really wanted them to get back together.

Drop Dead Gorgeous is #1 on my list of dangerously underrated films. It's freaking hilarious and it's one of those rare films that somehow gets better on each re-watch. I keep hoping that it'll pop up here at AV Club somehow - perhaps as a "Better Late Than Never" or a "Fiasco, Flop or Secret Success" article.

I agree that Rashida Jones makes a great straight woman (much in the way that Jim plays the straight man on The Office).

Is half your mustache missing?

I'll interrupt the humor thread going here to agree with the original poster. Lithgow's performance was excellent this week. The scene where his eyes go briefly dead right before he snaps and pins Dexter to the wall was just awesome. Definitely my favorite guest star of the year on any show.

There are two things in this review that I think are causing all the irrational responses here.

Uh… no. No I do not. I'm just a rank amateur.

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
The reviewer's D+ rating of this game was waaaaaay off base. Yes, it's definitely a very flawed game, and it won't exactly blow you away with it's originality. On the other hand, it's a very solid experience and you'll find tons of gamers who will report losing hours at a time playing this

I agree that Cam up to this point seems like the kind of person who would be way too savvy to make such insensitive remarks to the doctor. Still, the site of him holding Lily is her giant afro wig overrides any other problems I may have had with this subplot.

The review above is right - the last two tracks are stellar, the kind of thing that makes you grab for the mp3 player so you can check on which song title you're listening to.

Having something that sounds just like one of my favorite albums from last year, The Con, can't be a bad thing at all. Very excited to get my hands on this one, if only to have a new batch of catchy songs to get "Like O, Like H" and "Are You Ten Years Ago" out of my head.

Agreed. A very very solid horror film. I had a great (and terrifying time). One of the few times I'd actually suggesting going on a busy night, as it's best experienced in a packed theater with other terrified people.

Seriously, though, I loved tonight's episode.

Am I the first?
Well, am I?!

I do agree that Jenna is a pretty poor character overall. While she's had a few decent plots - notably the Jackie Jormp Jomp one, plus the Hardball episode - she's pretty inconsistent and mostly unlikeable.

I thought the show really changed for the better once Devito joined the show. The first season I really enjoyed, but often felt that the characters were a little interchangeable. Frank brought a new dynamic to the group - he's equally depraved, but his role as the father gave him a bizarre teacher status among the

The vomiting sequence at the beginning instantly made this episode no worse than a B+ for me right there. It's my second favorite vomit scene of all time (second only to Roger Stirling blowing chunks after eating oysters and then climbing 20 flights of stairs).

I'm super happy with the way this season has progressed. All the things that bothered me about last season they've largely corrected: April didn't seem to have a point last year, but now she's starting to show actual signs of having a 3 dimensional character. Mark's interest in Leslie varied too much between episodes

Hee hee. Me too. What made it even better was the expression on Ed O'Neill's face when she said that.