Nathan Convey

Rachel gets more irritating every episode. On what planet does she thing that she should be more important to Donna than Harvey? She needs to fuck off to law school and get that chip off her shoulder.

So this week we learned that Derek leads (and led) a depressing existence and that Gerard and Peter are untrustworthy tossers who start all the shit. It's nice to have new information.

They tried to be a serious lawyer show without realising that they weren't up to it. The first season was fun and light but it had real moments of pathos that came about organically. Last season was so serious and try-hard. The drama wasn't earned. It was just a bunch of people sniping at each other. It wasn't

Rachel is really hot. It's just a pity that her crappy, whiny personality outweighs that hotness. The less she talks, the more attractive she is. Donna and Jessica are the opposite. They're already gorgeous, but their personalities make them even better.

It's Andrea. Michonne could have explained with finger puppets and she still wouldn't get it. Michonne is finally clued in to what a waste of time Andrea is so she's not going to bother.

Or maybe she's finally figured out that she wasted a shit load of time trailing Andrea's dumb ass around. If she tells her about Rick, she'll probably end up responsible for the moron's welfare yet again. Where's the upside for Michonne? She has actual human companionship now with the prison group so she's no longer

Or maybe she's finally figured out that she wasted a shit load of time trailing Andrea's dumb ass around. If she tells her about Rick, she'll probably end up responsible for the moron's welfare yet again. Where's the upside for Michonne? She has actual human companionship now with the prison group so she's no longer

The Rachel/Mike thing really needs to die. There's no chemistry between them, they don't even seem to have any real connection beyond getting forced together when the plot demands it. Rachel could be a good character on her own but as long as this awful romance is brewing, she'll never be anything more than the 'love

The Rachel/Mike thing really needs to die. There's no chemistry between them, they don't even seem to have any real connection beyond getting forced together when the plot demands it. Rachel could be a good character on her own but as long as this awful romance is brewing, she'll never be anything more than the 'love

I can only assume that the 'I love you' reflects badly on Celeste. I'm confused by the show's attempt at ambiguity regarding Will's feelings for Alicia. Have they forgotten the voicemail of doom already? He's already admitted that he loves her and has loved her since law school. Alicia's feelings are the only ones in