
During "If I Had A Tail", I don't hear Alex Turner at all, I hear Homme singing the lines that the reviewer mentions.

Absolutely, and it's not even close. The album is good, that song is awesome.

That video is a treasure.

I'm starting the rewatch tonight, but I was under the impression it was Lucille 1.

I finished up the season last night and while it's not the same as the original show, it's still pretty good. Everything came together pretty well after the first 2 or 3 episodes. Hopefully we get another season (or a movie) very soon.

Smooth Sailing is one of my favorite QotSA songs ever. The new album doesn't get any better than that.

This article was good until it said that SFTD was "pop-rock."

It's all smooth sailing from here on out.

My main problem with season 3 is the Rita plotline. After that's over, it gets better IMO.

Even if the new season isn't on par with the first 2, life is still good. Who would have imagined we would be getting new episodes of this show 7 years ago? There will be something worthwhile in season 4. Just go into it with an open mind.

Beasties were legit rappers, the Lonely Island is spoofing rap music. The only comparison between the 2 is that they're white.

Smooth Sailing is the best song on the album, IMO. Nothing else even comes close.

No, just a funky boss to pass the mic to 3 MC's and 1 DJ in the crawlspace.

You win this discussion.

I'm impressed he spelled 'government' correctly.

Must have missed it. Gracias.

We need a newswire for the new QOTSA single / new album.

Spring Break! Woo!

Man, The Onion is on their game this week.

Rest in peace Mindy. No one can imagine the reasons for someone committing suicide. Life is the toughest game of all, and its harder for some people than for others. May you find the peace you are looking for.