
I took that first album from my parents when I was about 19, and kinda wore it out. Maggie wrote the most impressive (and serious) songs on that album, and her voice was key to the amazing harmonies they were able to come up with. Her stage presence was also really cool; stoic with guitar, while Terre and Suzzy

It really is.

I think the Cowboys have been Plinko for about 20 years, now.

I'm a loyal Block and Tackle reader with absolutely nothing to add to the conversation. This week I felt compelled to log in and say how much I enjoy this article every week. That's about it. Carry on.



I guarantee you it was one of these phones. They were everywhere, and we were so excited!


Myrna Loy wins everything.

Not Gottfried so much, because he's done some great stuff at roasts in the past 15 years. Dice, absolutely - his stuff is mostly garbage.

I'd say Robin Williams was pretty close to despised. I remember alt-comics taking a hatchet to his act pretty regularly. Of course, nobody…really…
talks about this…now…


Ha! I hope you like sacks because Brock is a statue in that pocket. Once the film was out on him he couldn't put together a full game. I really have a sneaking suspicion that the Broncos didn't want him back (and Brock didn't want to come back) and that they put offers out on him to save face on their 2nd round

Seriously! If Dumbo played up the black stereotype to one-tenth of the level of, say, "Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarves" it wouldn't be allowed anywhere near a television set. The crows are black, one of them is unfortunately named Jim, but that's about as mean-spirited as it gets.

Okay, well, maybe I had to look. "Baby Mine" is my personal no. 1, but "When You Wish Upon a Star" is a hell of a song, too. And the last fifteen years of Disney is like a giant question mark (even with the films I've seen).

Ummmm…possibly not my favorite, but definitely one of 'em, was #259: The Johnny Appleseed Song. Yeah, it mentions the Lord twice - so fucking what, it's beautiful (especially at the end with the chorus rising up - goosebumps, I tells ya'!)

I think I've cultivated the page enough in seven years that I don't get too many irritating posts. I have about 350 friends, and have blocked about 100 of them, and about 150 don't post at all (or the algorithm senses I don't care too much about them) which leaves about 100 regular or semi-regular posters. About 3/4

Needs more Miles Davis.

"Now let's get in this car. We'll have us a chase."

Miles puts the Black in Blacklist, ya dig?